Unknown   Kao-hsiung, Taiwan
KnocK About All my love:yurie:
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琥珀色黃昏像糖在很美的遠方 The Amber Colored Sunset is like a piece of candy in the beautiful distant
你的臉沒有化妝我卻瘋狂愛上 There was no makeup on your face but I feel in love with you crazily
思念跟影子在傍晚被影子拉長 The memories are being stretched with the shadows
我手中那張入場券陪我數羊 The ticket in my hand helps me with counting sheeps

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薄荷色草地芬芳像風沒有形狀 The mint colored meadow is like the refreshing smell of the wind
我卻能夠牢記你的氣質跟臉龐 But I can remember your qualities and the side of your face
冷空氣跟琉璃在清晨很有透明感 The cold wind with the colored glass gives me a transparent feeling
像我的喜歡被你看穿 Like how you know that I love you
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攤位上一朵艷陽 The sunniness on the table
我悄悄出現在你身旁 I secretly hide next to you
你慌亂的模樣 The way you were panicking
我微笑安靜欣賞 I slowly watch it with a smile
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我頂著大太陽 With the pressure of the sun
只想為你撐傘 I just want to hold an umbrella for you
你靠在我肩膀 You lay on my shoulders
深呼吸怕遺忘 and deep breathe just to remember
因為撈魚的蠢遊戲我們開始交談 We started talking because of a silly game of catching fish
多希望話題不斷園遊會永不打烊 How much do I hope for our conversations to never end
氣球在我手上 The balloons are in my hand
我牽著你瞎逛 I hold your hand while we walk around
有話想對你講 I have so many words to say to you
你眼睛卻裝忙 but your eyes pretend to be busy
雞蛋糕盒你嘴角果醬我都想要嘗 I want to try out the cake on the side of your lips and the jelly
園遊會影片在播放 The video of the fair is playing
這個世界約好一起逛 ----- We promised to explore this world together
P-51 & B-25
10 4
7.2 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 30 ก.ค.
166 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 30 ก.ค.
2,139 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 30 ก.ค.
3 ก.ย. 2022 @ 3: 20am 