Hi please add me i need more steam friends- lol i love anime but i mainly love manwha if u need any reqs lmk and i gotchu- i have to much favs....so...ye anywhooo...i guess you can snoop around even though there is nothing to snoop around for:con2_feene:
Taideteosten esittely
Thanks for snooping~ Please add me:)
tuntia pelattu
Filters Abuser 16.6. klo 9.45 
-rep exactly what i thought a 5 gen tunneler's profile would look like lmfao. thanks for the 1+ minute chase there at the end. if you want you can add me and i can coach you some killer so you dont need to resort tunneling at 5 gens every match <3
Live Twitch Lunge 15.6. klo 13.12 
+rep good loops
Plono 7.12.2023 klo 12.22 
+rep cute warden :3 <3
nut in my eyes so i cant semen 10.11.2023 klo 20.20 
ur entire weeb profile is cringer
hokage 我 28.10.2022 klo 10.22 
nut in my eyes so i cant semen 23.10.2022 klo 20.34 
weeb, more weeb, and bigger weeb. weeb city, couldn't be me.