
warmou の最近のレビュー

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If you just bought battle brothers and wonders what dlc to buy, this is the first one you should, it gives alot of new company origins, makes the northen region alot more worth to explore, gives amazing looking armor and weapons, aswell the enemies and compared to blazing deserters, it is a much cheaper option if you dont know if you want to continue to play this game. Another point to buy it is the barbarians, they are my favorite enemy to fight not just because of their unique fighting style but the music that follows them, probably the best ost in the game by a longshot
投稿日 7月6日. 最終更新日 7月6日
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総プレイ時間:715.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:526.8時間)
behold the game were you get screwed every time yet comeback for more and can create good stories with the company you lead and the bros you create
Once i recruited a barbarian that lived as long as the company lived, found him on the road with a dog and liked him at the start, gave him a 2 hand axe and made him stay in the flank, 19 days later we were hunting the self proclaimed barbarian king, coming closer and ready to start the fight he wanted peace and needed help to fight a undead army that was terrorizing the frozen lands of the north, we agreed to help and went to fight, it was fierce and bloody, we lost a sellsword and a militia man in the fight and the barbarian killed a legionary and a noble guard and held the flanks against a shielded legionary with his dog, we gather our strenght and went our way but got ambushed by 6 necrosavants and the whole company died there, no glorious fight, no honor, just a end to any other mercenary company or noble army, bodies on the field to the crows and new soldiers to the necromancers
and then there is another time that we got caught with our pants down by a ambush after the company tried to get laid with some prostitutes, with made everyone get hurt in the fight with made so a goblin party killed our heavy wounded company afterwards
10/10 would play again
投稿日 4月19日.
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総プレイ時間:1,164.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,164.1時間)
If i could give it a medium review i would, but i say for anyone that plans on buying this game to have doubts and look more into it before because this game is the start of the dlc requirement to have fun in many occasions, aswell the lacking of the campaing and factions and the stat based gameplay for most of it that looks so bad when you play older games
-The best thing about this game when i used to play alot(and definetly still is) is the multiplayer scene, you wont be chained by a bad ai that only becomes good when their slave infantry has the holding potential of a principes or a light cavalry being able to do damage to better cavalry and the factions are still different when it comes to culture
and when it comes to campaing, just install divide et impera.

-The factions in multiplayer, atleast when it comes to their difference, they are unique and have something going for them and some counters aswell, but it does make it be bad.

-the entire of rise of the republic campaing,the only time i would say to buy a dlc just because of the campaing, it is close to mid but it is what a campaing should be, all factions are unique in everyway

-this game is filled with dlcs and some factions in multiplayer need thoses to be better and so you have a fighting chance(suebi and carthage).

-you will see one gamemode in multiplayer with is sieges, literally close to 0 variety and trust me, you will have stress with it, be bad teammates or just good players that wont have mercy because sieges relie on teamwork, so try to host land battles 1v1, you will get destroyed but it is the second best way to learn( first being with a friend)

-A meta so focused on swords based armies and elites, forget about using light cavalry as a flank unit like in rome 1, they will die because the stats arent good enough to do morale damage to the infantry and for the fact that picking a certain faction against other can make you insta lose before the fight begins, wanted to play athens? oh sorry buddy your enemy wanted to play barbarians, have fun with your infantry outmatched in everyway, skirmishers and cavalry that are in the same match as the enemy or outmatched in almost everyway you will lose if you dont work 10 times more than your enemy and still have a chance to lose because you dont have good sword infantry with good stats and thats it. there is close to no strategy, alot of fights are determined by stats alone and you will know everytime if you won or lost just by it.

-formations are non existent and stuff like shield wall, deep lines of man and guard mode can make your units worse against everything or dont have good stats to make them worth, you will see soldiers dying quicker when using shield wall and testudo than if they were just in thin lines, spears that are not hoplites being close to useless if they dont follow a strict rule as if they are cheap and have javelins, if they are expensive close to worthless, no javelins? just meatshields at the end

-A campaing so boring that without mods it turns into a steam roll so early that it will take the fun out of it.

TLDR: consider to buy this game if you want to play multiplayer but be aware of dlcs, do not buy for the campaing alone since other games like shogun 2, rome 1, med 1 and hell even attila have something more going for them.
投稿日 2023年10月27日.
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総プレイ時間:21.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:20.5時間)
good game
投稿日 2023年3月14日.
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