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30.6 ore nelle ultime due settimane / 4,788.3 ore in totale (4,221.0 ore al momento della recensione)
Pubblicazione: 9 apr 2023, ore 2:10
Aggiornata: 11 mag 2024, ore 10:56

修复99A,VT4,ZTZ96的模型错误和装甲错误BUFF中国MBT的穿透力和装填速度修复99A的数码迷彩颜色还原PL12的真实数据。给PLZ83提供与2S3M相同水平的炮弹。给翼龙1无人机提供AKD10。制作PGZ09的液压悬挂和AHEAD弹药。给ZTL11提供5s装填速度。为J8F提供PL11修改99A和ZTZ96坦克油箱爆炸概率fix model errors and armor errors in 99A, VT4, ZTZ96the penetration power and loading speed of BUFF China MBTfix digital camouflage for 99Arestore the real data of PL12.provide PLZ83 with shells of the same level as 2S3M.provide AKD10 to the Wing Loong 1 drone.produce hydropneumatic suspension and AHEAD ammunition for PGZ09.provide ZTL11 with a loading speed of 5 seconds.provide PL11 for J8FModification 99A and ZTZ96 tank tank explosion probability
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