:)   Kyoto, Japan
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Mielie 2 июн. 2023 г. в 7:38 
Mispronounces people's names.
svnx. 19 мая. 2023 г. в 13:49 
In the realm of CSGO, a cheater's plight,
A tale of deceit and a lack of fair fight.
Through walls they see, their aim so precise,
But their actions betray true gaming advice.

With hacks and cheats, they sought to prevail,
Unaware of the integrity they'd derail.
Their ego inflated, their skills undermined,
A hollow victory, no honor to find.

In pixels they dwell, a digital realm,
Where fairness and sportsmanship overwhelm.
Yet the cheater persists, their conscience dismissed,
Blinded by greed, their true passion dismissed.

But remember, dear cheater, deceit has its price,
A temporary triumph, a moral sacrifice.
For in the end, it's camaraderie we seek,
True victory lies in a challenge, not cheat.

So lay down your cheats, embrace the game's grace,
Rekindle the spirit that brings players to chase.
In CSGO's realm, let honesty prevail,
And true skill and sportsmanship shall forever hail.
Pampoen 19 мая. 2023 г. в 7:54 
He cool bold guy
Mielie 19 мая. 2023 г. в 7:18 
Gaming gamer who games

svnx. 10 мая. 2023 г. в 11:28 
Cheated on me </3
Falcon_Sir 22 апр. 2023 г. в 7:22 
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...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
......,-''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,-' NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOOOWN
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