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Tercatat 28.0 jam
This game is a definitive visual novel. Its only my second time playing one, and its a game to be experienced. The logic is definitely for those who have time to sit down and take notes, but in my book this is a game where it doesn't hurt to use guides. Especially considering the class trials. They are one and a half to two hour long scenes that you cant save during, so you pretty much have to make time for the game. Regardless, its phenomenal. The final trial almost made me throw my controller out the f*cking window after i lost the final strike, but it was at least generous enough to let you retry. Any other trial, if you loose you go right back to your last save. A bit brutal, but well worth my time and money. The ending can be described by the final achievement. Not a total let down or controller smasher, but it definitely could have been better.

Side notes:
-Vaped the equivalent to a pack of cigarettes during the final trial
-Its a game that doesn't really benefit from being on one platform or another, so buy it wherever its cheapest or buy it physically if you're oldschool like me
-F*ck Junko.
Diposting pada 16 Januari 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 16 Januari 2023.
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Tercatat 64.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 20.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Easily THE BEST 4 american eagles ive ever spent on a piece of software. I gifted it to every single one of my friends with or without their consent, not a single one declined the gift and they all love it too. If you know someone that doesn't own wallpaper engine, gift it to them.
Diposting pada 7 Juli 2022.
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Tercatat 68.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 62.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
To be honest, I think Yakuza: Like a Dragon should have been game of the year for 2020. The last of us part 2 was a good game, but despite them being different genres I think this game wipes the floor with The last of us part 2. Its a game that I think is a lot easier to get into compared to the other Yakuza games, especially with the english dub, but its completely worth playing Yakuza 6 The Song of Life before this game.

The story in this game is phenomenal. It has so many twists and turns, and while this game has a different main character, it still has some returning characters from the other Yakuza games. I have yet to beat the game, but I can proudly say I dont need to see the end to know its an amazing game.

The combat is completely different from the other Yakuza games, but its been done right. The quick times always keep you on your feet, and it takes some of the monotony out of what would be pretty standard RPG combat. My favorite part about the combat is the "Essence of" moves. Every character has (to my knowledge) three, and the scenes that show the moves are never boring. Hell, if speedrunning wasn't a thing then there would be no reason to have a skip button for the cutscenes. One of the things I would change about the game if I could is level progression. At a certain point in the game, you have to rack up three million yen in order to progress. I was a huge scrooge and held on to my money for most of the game, only buying stuff when I needed to. The game doesnt expect this, so by the next part of the story all the enemies are much higher level than you. It expects you to grind and level up, which made me go back a save and level up. Not a huge deal, but it was pretty frustrating.

Overall, this is a fantastic game so far; maybe even a masterpiece. It gets grindy at some points, but the story, characters and personally the sound design kept me going. The boss music in this game is some of the best ive heard in an RPG. Its up there with some of the greats like Persona 5 and Earthbound in that regard. I totally recommend this game to any RPG fan, maybe even people that just like beat em ups. (May edit this after beating the game)
Diposting pada 12 Juni 2021.
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Tercatat 43.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 31.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
i wanted to love this game, i really did. if BlueHole ups their game on the anti cheat side of things, maybe ill come back. other than the cheaters and poor optimization, i loved this game. its just unfortunate that as soon as i began to like the game the hackers joined the brawl.
Diposting pada 25 April 2020.
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Tercatat 647.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 111.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This game is something else. If you love first person shooters, but like more game mechanics than Counter Strike and cant aim well, then this game is for you. No matter how long you play, you will always want to get better, and get better you will. Another thing I love about this game is that its not heavily reliant on weather or not you have good aim so much as it is knowing what to and what not to do. Easily one of my favorite online FPS games.
Diposting pada 31 Maret 2020.
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