240km/h PEEK good dog
Norfolk Island
I'm a good dog :steamthumbsup:
make sure to +rep me :steamhappy:
(yes im really from norfolk island :steammocking:)
さとる 19 ต.ค. @ 4: 14pm 
Yo this is my account
GMT99 (TheMLGVagos) 13 ต.ค. @ 7: 38pm 
he have a friend to used hacks, off this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
GMT99 (TheMLGVagos) 13 ต.ค. @ 7: 24pm 
rep this cheater
The CEO of Movement 12 ต.ค. @ 7: 11pm 
+rep q'd into him 5 times in a row, he lost them all against us, took it like a champ, sometimes you just have a bad day, mad respect for this man. Good luck on winning it back
--b3 9 ต.ค. @ 7: 57am 
please let me meow for you
--b2 9 ต.ค. @ 7: 55am 
very friendly and helpful teammate! +rep