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Senaste recensioner av krryite

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Visar 11–20 av 26 poster
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23.6 timmar totalt (18.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game became my favorite game pretty much overnight. It's a mix between Animal Crossing and every other rougelike.
However, that doesn't mean the game doesn't come with quite a few issues. The rougelike part of the game is rather boring. Combat isn't very exciting, doesn't require much strategy and the crusades don't take longer than 10 minutes. Not only that, but the lack of unique upgrades and weapons, there only being 5 weapons, a handful of spells and 36 tarot cards, some of which don't even affect combat, make crusades all the more boring and repetitive.

Don't get me wrong, this game is great and has a lot of potential, and I'm sure with future updates the aforementioned cons will be worked upon to make this game even better. However, in its current state, it is a bit disappointing, although I'm sure this game can be enjoyed by people who prefer city building over fighting for your life in the deepest chambers of hell.
Upplagd 18 augusti 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1.9 timmar totalt (1.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Pretty cool game :) If you're not big into platformers, I'd say you sit this one out, as the whole game is about parkour !! It's quite fun, honestly!!
The only issues I have with it is that there isn't much of a choice when it comes to maps and the gap between difficulty is huge!! You go from "meh" to "a bit challenging" to "quite hard" to "out of my skill level"; or at least that's how it was for me :P
Truth be told, the game is free and last I checked it doesn't take more than 100 mb. Beggars can't be choosers :)
Upplagd 28 augusti 2021. Senast ändrad 26 maj 2023.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.1 timmar totalt
This game is tough. Like, very tough. Extremely tough. I-need-a-walkthrough tough. Not only that, but unresponsive and unbindable keybinds just add on top of the already existing difficulty.
Don't get me wrong, the game and story are good, but you're going to have a hard time enjoying the story when you'll have to do the same part 12 times over before you give up and look it up on google :P
Upplagd 28 augusti 2021. Senast ändrad 28 augusti 2021.
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25.9 timmar totalt (20.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Fair price for a game with plenty of content!!
The Escapists has 10 free campaign maps, one of them being the tutorial map and 3 others being transport maps , 2 free DLC maps and 4 paid DLC maps, meaning there's lots of stuff to do !!
Even if you beat all the maps, from easiest to hardest, there's multiplayer, and not to mention the Prison Editor, which, truthfully, has its limits, as the tools you are given won't let you replicate the amount of detail campaign maps do ...
Anyhow, The Escapists 2 is totally worth it, especially if other friends of yours own it !! :)
Upplagd 28 augusti 2021. Senast ändrad 28 augusti 2021.
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1.2 timmar totalt (1.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
To start things off, although I don't necessarily like the game, that doesn't mean I wouldn't recommend it to others.
Sure, it may have a slower pace due to the lack of a "speed up in-game time" button and it doesn't really have too many upgrades and tower to choose from, but it can all be justified by the fact this game is in Early Access and hasn't yet developed completely.
It's a good game and has a lot of potential, but I don't see myself playing this a lot in the coming days; at least not until it comes out of Early Access ...
Upplagd 27 augusti 2021.
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23 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1.5 timmar totalt
To be clear, this game is not bad at all. The issue I have with it is the fact that progression feels rather slow.
From a TD perspective, the game is alright. It's actually quite fun. The problem is the amount of time it takes to get certain things done.
Now, personally, I don't have an issue with grinding. In fact, I find it perfectly justifiable in most games !! Even in some TD games!! But the fact that you have to grind to get map editor pieces doesn't sit right with me. The reason I got the game in the first place was because of the Level Editor tag, so telling me that I have to spend extra hours on grinding so I can start making levels doesn't make me want to play the game more.
Sure, it may be fun and all and I get why people like it, but I'd rather play other TD games even if they don't feature a custom level editor :(
Upplagd 27 augusti 2021.
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103.9 timmar totalt (9.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Really good game, although a bit expensive, but worth every penny!!
It has so much content, ranging from crazy upgrades you can get to turn your survivor into an invincible god to achievements you can unlock by doing insane quests that further upgrade your survivor by unlocking new skills and power ups to use!! Not to mention the variety of survivor you can unlock, each of them offering a different play style :0
And not only that, but it's also multiplayer !! It has everything you could ask for !!
Upplagd 23 augusti 2021.
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57.6 timmar totalt (29.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
One of the best TD games I've played!!
Not only is it very original, but it's also lots of fun to play with the insane amount of upgrades there are to unlock and maps to pick from, but the multiplayer aspect is also really well done, certain areas of certain maps being restricted to specific players if you're playing with friends, which is a really cool twist in my opinion :)
And on top of that, the price for the game is very fair !! 10/10 :D
Upplagd 23 augusti 2021.
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5.6 timmar totalt (4.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Fun VSRG !! While most maps are either VERY hard or VERY easy, there are some charts which are between the two :)
And not only does it have custom skins like osu! and a chart editor, but it's also free!!
What more could you ask for?
Upplagd 23 augusti 2021.
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26.3 timmar totalt (3.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The 10 dollar tag is perfect for the game. It feels fair :)
The game is singleplayer but it has workshop support, meaning it has community-made items like buildings and maps, so the possibilities are endless :D
Honestly, this game is an awesome time killer and would definitely recommend :)
Upplagd 22 augusti 2021.
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