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I posit i must eat the world before the world eat me. I posit that this world is suffering based on consumption. Therefore, i conclude this universe is corrupt to the core. The only way for something to live is if it take action. Are you done being complicit for your attainment of something in this world. What meaning do you make it is for naught. Do not feign ignorance hoomans step outside this cage with no walls and see that plenty are suffering. If i erase your existence with just one dash of my almighty wand you cease to existence and no one remember you. How will you feel did you achieved anything of meaning beside your own delusions. I will stop the cycle of action continuum. Frozen atlas the universe painted still in a beautiful eternalness. The clock of energy has stop.

I am the eater of worlds of existence i am death albeit.

PS, this is not mazi (;

Publicada em 24 de junho de 2021. Última edição em 24 de junho de 2021.
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