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4.4 timer totalt
Usually I don't write reviews or even may be finished the game itself, but holy damn
(also excuse for my poor wordings)
I first heard this game from a YouTube vid. At the time, I couldn't really afford or use my money at that time around until I grew older. When I finally found this game again, I did not hesitate to buy it (especially because it was in cheap price in our country during the sale) and thank god I did found this game again and bought it.
And now, I shall dive in to some parts about what this game has to offer (maybe not all of them but still) and hoping it wouldn't spoil much about the game's story (I may do like to spoil, but it was one of those times I don't want to spoil because of the story itself)

Especially the piano compositions
I didn't expect for it to actually make me feel something, especially from the beginning/earlier parts of the game. But apparently it did.
Or maybe because I am a sucker for when both music and the scenario actually is well-fit together. The music fits so well in the scenarios that the game/story try to convey it.

Next, the dialogues
I really love how the characters talks to one another. It's so goofy and silly, but I am actually enjoying it. Especially those comedic moments. Because that is one thing I did not expect when I first saw this game. But then again, it did show those serious moments at the time. Where the those same goofy characters will have to turn around the mood. Or, you know. Whatever but yeah. (also, Dr. Watts/Neil, favorite character LOL)

Another thing I love are the mini-puzzles. Despite how I knew so well I am ♥♥♥♥ about it, its actually cool fun. I did not expect that. But then again, its one of my first time on playing an rpg-story game (the older ones I meant). But still, I love it.

The controls are a bit goofy for my taste but eh, I digress.

And the story overall, I really love how it goes and it really intrigues me to actually finish it. Was planning to finish it by the time I wake up (was playing this nighttime), but then I didn't. Even though there are some moments that may not actually catch my eye, I really love this story. And hell, I knew it might make me cry, and it did. Especially the ending. The story, for my taste, is well-written and actually caught my own feelings.
I think this might be the longest review so far that I have made for a game, but for now, I really recommend checking out this game because of its story. Also, its not that long, but still worth to try it out. And I wouldn't mind might to check out the sequels as well.
((also am gonna check out those mini-episodes/side-stories next))
Publisert 31. januar. Sist endret 31. januar.
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9.4 timer totalt (8.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I love to do my chores (never finishes it)

But in all seriousness, way different from the original Postal but I still enjoy its comedic nature lol (I really miss playing this game, I should play it again soon hhhhh)
Publisert 28. november 2023. Sist endret 28. november 2023.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1,535.9 timer totalt (737.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I guess it's alright (don't mind my hours in this)
Publisert 10. oktober 2023.
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651.8 timer totalt (180.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Very addicting and pog for an old zombie shooter game. Never thought I would play it everytime, but now I do
Publisert 27. november 2022.
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