CrystalMint 12 mei 2022 om 15:40 
Deze reactie is nog niet geanalyseerd door ons geautomatiseerde inhoudsanalysesysteem en wordt standaard verborgen tot we hebben kunnen vaststellen dat ze geen schadelijke inhoud bevat (bijv. links naar websites die informatie proberen te stelen).
RoXsxmeow 11 okt 2021 om 16:16 
Kyokuny 1 aug 2021 om 5:30 
Thanks for doing the effort to change your comment and put a bit more of context. Appreciated. I still have no clue what i actually did wrong (i mean, i felt that i helped you or the team) but thanks for being more precise. Good luck with the entity pal.
cat of oz 31 jul 2021 om 15:17 
(thanks kyo)
cat of oz 31 jul 2021 om 15:17 
-rep cringe
Kyokuny 31 jul 2021 om 14:59 
- rep, put bad comment on people profils without context. I know that you didn't played well but since i didn't had a very clear example neither you were throwing the game, i didn't felt the urge to - rep you. But you did :) you just said "noob survivor" without even explaning what i did to deserve that comment. Stupid commenter deserves stupid comment. Have fun in the fog !
SimplyJeevs | Twitch 21 jul 2021 om 9:56 
-rep Dont tbag when ur trash :)
GhostButter 19 jul 2021 om 12:39 
+rep funny and lovely ghostface :> :Janitor_Heart: (Good at looping + mind gaming) Dont know why you let me, but it warmed my heart :opiumflower: I had lot of fun!
чебупицца 13 jul 2021 om 4:55 
-rep tunnel and camp.
7 5 11 5 jul 2021 om 7:37 
+rep cute buuba<3 good killer for 900h
Gameplayerin 2 jul 2021 om 12:13 
- REP: Tunnler and HARD FACECAMPER on last hook.

Learn to play, boy.
Malwinowicz 2 jul 2021 om 11:30 
- rep dobry gracz, ale nie chcę mu zaśmiecać +repami profilu <3
BiTYWE 2 jul 2021 om 11:30 
+rep patriota
Gumba 1 jul 2021 om 8:40 
Fiat 126p 23 jun 2021 om 13:36 
+rep nice surv
AetheriumM 22 jun 2021 om 7:21 
ez survivor
Lucifer 19 jun 2021 om 7:07 
-rep bm toxic survivor
Simp for Myers <3 19 mei 2021 om 1:59 
+rep u scared me a looot hahahahaha
sausage plate 16 mei 2021 om 10:26 
-rep he might be a good survivor but as a killer (trapper) he is tunneling harder than a blind becoming guy
Papit0 11 mei 2021 om 2:50 
Papit0 8 mei 2021 om 14:43 
+rep ziomek kozak
Tiagovski 7 mei 2021 om 17:58 
+rep sorry I committed hookacide
HadeZ 2 mei 2021 om 12:16 
+rep good dbd surv
insaneterrorism 30 apr 2021 om 19:58 
+ rep zajebisty zlomal😎🤙
klaudia22780 30 apr 2021 om 15:08 
+ rep dobrze odwala
iHemerxld. 26 apr 2021 om 7:45 
+rep one of the best teammate ever
Papit0 25 apr 2021 om 13:39 
+rep Gracz gra profesjonalnie ,umie obić się o każdą ścianę na mapie ,trzyma celownik gotowy by zabić ziemie ,nie lęka sie terrorystów ,chętnie plantuje pake , umie wbić na bombside c i d , robi także zaawansowane bannyhopy bokiem , rysuje aureole wokół głowy przeciwnika. Zakończył też szkole j.rosyjskiego ,a w czasie pobytu w Новый Уренгой uczył się grac w cs go od najlepszych graczy na świecie.
Papit0 13 apr 2021 om 1:36 
Local Disk (C:)
└📁Program Files (x86)
⠀⠀⠀⠀└📁Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀└⚠This folder is empty
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀└📁 Aim
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀└⚠This folder is empty
📁USB (D:)
└📁CS:GO Cheats
Papit0 7 apr 2021 om 14:54 
+rep good player nad frends
RoXsxmeow 31 dec 2020 om 8:52 
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RoXsxmeow 31 okt 2020 om 10:14 
+rep ziomo xD
Carloss 12 sep 2020 om 12:14 
+rep ns player
76561199014404900 5 sep 2020 om 16:44 
banan 5 sep 2020 om 16:44 
+rep NO ELO
Asahi ♋🚓 18 aug 2020 om 16:16 
+rep majster :D