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Yayınlanma: 3 May 2024 @ 17:56
Güncellenme: 6 May 2024 @ 7:26

Helldivers 2 is really great game that completly changed my mind in game industry.

Arrowhead is a really great team that actually communicates with his players on daily basis.

This game is really fun to play even as solo with random or with friends, i spend nearly 300 hours in past 3 months of playing and cant stop. I have to fight for Super Earth and to spread democracy beyond our world.

I absolutly recommend playing helldivers 2. for 40 dolars u get everything that is in the game, u can grind everything not a single microtransaction that would stop u from any content other then premium version of this game but it only gives u a little start boost nothing important.

10/10 game for me.
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