Currently Online
DIVD, ready to get in.
An lover appreciator of perfecting games achievements.

Good guys in mind:

Westerret/Jeff/Calebe, the Punished Venom Snake (My beloved Master);
Venom0us, the SSStylish (Menio);
Abritta, the Hydro Archon;
THS4400, the Pilot;
Joseph Schimidt, the Space Cowboy;
Killmonger, the Tribal Leader ;
Sam Kenny, the Dark Knight;
Batata, the Mechanistic (Scriptboy);
Filipe, the Cowboy (Wize12);
Ciampi, the Master;
Thiago Brigido, the Burguers (Brigidoors);
Gabriel Gomes, the Wizard of Genesis ;
Lain, the Kind;
Saymon/Ghost, the Fullmetal Alchemist ;
Babymetal, the Demoman (Gabriel or Bubblegum);
Brayan, the Aura Pokémon;
Cenoura, the Ashen One;
Thiago Ribeiro;

And other good fellows on this journey.
Recent Activity
2.3 hrs on record
last played on 20 Dec
2.3 hrs on record
last played on 20 Dec
57 hrs on record
last played on 20 Dec
Abritta 21 Jul @ 9:04pm 
Se eu fosse pago pra todas as vezes que ele errou um DS, fez um gerador em vez de salvar, errou uma flash light eu nn ia nem precisar trabalhar mais na vida :D
Ovelha 8 Apr @ 7:18pm 
Westerret (Vacation) 22 Mar @ 12:17am 
You keep safe now son.
CLBER 19 Feb @ 10:18pm 
Fumou crack na minha frente, enquanto dirigia -3 estrelas. Pior Uber que pego em anos
Venom0us 15 Jan @ 4:01pm 
You have to leave... You have to live.
Venom0us 11 Sep, 2023 @ 9:12pm 
dps q trocou os de vdd, este homem está muito magro. trate de comer no café da manhã: pacó de bulacha. no almoço: pacó de bulacha. e na janta: pacó de bulacha.