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Ruthless 7 Mar @ 8:51am 
herkese salam 33 yaşım var reyal amcık ve göt emirem yalıyram gadını dilimlen boşaltıram masaj edirem bütün hidmetler pulsuzdur reyal isteyen hanımlar buyrup vatsap nömreme yaza ve zenk edebilersiniz vatsap nömremi deyirem nul elli bir beş yüz altmış altı kırk beş yetmiş iki bir daha tekrir ediyrem nul elli bir beş yüz altmış altı kırk beş yetmiş iki reyal isteyen hanımlar buyrup yaza ve zenk edebilersiniz hiçbir hanım korkmasın utanmasın bu hagigettir
Ruthless 6 May, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
Hala babasını dowmemis koylu yobazlar warmı? Moruk aykırı olucaksın kolesi deyilsin ya?? Ben ilk dowdugumde yedinci sınıfdayım partiden gelmisim gece saat iki kapiyi actigim gibi nerdesin lan yawsak diye bagirdi dedim sana ne lan kahbe ewladı yuzune bile bakmadim odama yuruyorum ama babam eski komandolardan biliyorumki sinsice yaklasip arkamdan saldiracak tabi ben de uc sene orman muhafizligi egitimi almisim siyah kusagim moruk bir ses kastim tam vuracakken aniden donup bilegini buktum sss geri bas lan geri bas diye bagirdim ne arkadan yaklasiyosun lan dedim tabi o sirada iyice bilegini bukuyorum kivraniyor abi cekmeye basladi ama acimadim amin cocuguna kirilana kadar cevirdim aglamaya basladiginda biraktim ambulansi bile aramadim gittim uyudum babamin amina ilk boyle koydum tavsiye isteyecek olursa sonrasinda uyumayin ben sabah hastanede uyanmistim uykumda bicaklamis orosbu cocugu
Ruthless 30 Oct, 2022 @ 3:10pm 
noldu olum kaşar noldu amına koyim? ha? i̇nternetten tehdit savurmucam savurmucam dedim. tehdit var amınakoyim. gel amına koyim. adres burası amına koyim. var mı derdin amına koyim. teke tek kavga mı istiyonuz? önceden istiyodunuz. teke tek kavga şimdi çoluk çocuk mu karıştırıyonuz amına koyim. hanginizi hepinizi ip gibi sıraya dizer hepinizin amına koyarım. var mı derdiniz amına koyim? çağır, kendini çağır hidranı çağır, sansini çağır. kim varsa yanında kaç tane kolpan varsa çağır hepsini amına koyim. kimsin lan sen? noldu ya ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kalkmış internet bebeleri hemen pöüğfh hemen söndü? ha? noldu amına koyim ya noldu amına koyim? biz sert olunca mı büzüğünüz büzüşüyo amına koyim ha?
Ruthless 29 Jul, 2022 @ 5:27pm 
"Luke, did I ever tell you about Aayla Secura? She was this skanky blue chick I knew back in my Jedi days. Her species is the sexiest in the galaxy, basically a race of supermodels, males excluded, from a more civilized age. Their culture involves a good deal of dancing which gives them slender bodies with great butts, and they have these big fat tails growing out the back of their heads. It sounds weird but it's so hot.Twi'leks have a higher body temperature, so she wore a sexy crop top and loincloth every day, which led the entire 327th to gangbang her blue ♥♥♥♥♥ at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, part of Palpatine's "executive order 69" of course. Nice. She knew how to polish their "blasters" better than anyone in the Jedi Temple.It was surreal, like a constant porno Luke, you have no idea. I'd like to say she was a good friend but honestly I didn't know her very well."
Ruthless 23 Jul, 2022 @ 4:42pm 
To tell you the truth Luke your father was a di*ck.

Always defying orders,
always putting our lives in danger. Hell he
even tried to have sex with his apprentice a
few times. But when he got caught he acted
like we were crazy. I would have been fine,
had he not done the same thing with your
mom. That's right, he got married behind the
Jedi council’s back, and thought we were
stupid enough to not notice it. Every time I
would try to bring it up he would call me a
“F a g" and throw a tantrum. Then he started
going crazy after a few bad dreams, killed
Dooku—which I'm pretty sure is a war crime
—killed Mace Windu, and even some ♥♥♥ king
kids. When his wife and I try to talk him
down, he goes crazy and chokes her out, like
a ♥♥♥ kin lunatic. I kept trying to talk to him
but he started babbling slogans at me.
Ruthless 23 Jul, 2022 @ 4:39pm 
>So I let him have it.

13 years of pent up rage and frustration, 13 years of dealing with
backtalk from a kid you rescued from
slavery. I went all out. I told him it was the
high ground, but from a certain point of view
that was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I just wanted to cut his
limbs and watch him writhe in pain, to suffer
like I suffered while dealing with his ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
for 13 years. I even told him I loved him like
a brother to add salt to his burning wounds.
>Go on, ask me if I regret it. I don't.
>Anyway, after that I left, and he became a
cyborg mass murderer. He was a piece of
♥♥♥♥ then, and a piece of ♥♥♥♥ now.

>And he was a good friend