tvoyu mamu trahal really
Hello Mustafa is my name. I am from Turkie and ı am 30 years old. I was playing warface in eu server since 2018. First Crytek shutted down Turkish server and selled warface to mycom. Then we switched eu server. BUT low ıq MYCOM destroyed eu warface with wrong p2w policies and bad server quality. I was taking 60 ping in eu but feeling lıke 200 ping. Now ı switched Warface RU because ı love warface and ı want to play it. You boys doing good management than goddmned mycom. Only ı want to English language localization pack for international players. I AM NOT WAITING TURKISH because maybe there is a few turkısh players. Buf ıf you add english localization package ı wıll be very thankful to you developers. Have a nıce days to all russian comrades and developers. Nickname: ТурецкийСнайпер
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hello my name is azat .im in turkey .a few days ago after while i downloaded warface .and there is ni server signal.moskwa,krosnodar and others didnt work .and i used proton vpn.and today when i wanted to play warface again it said your account closed like supsented.i dont know why its like that.i just used vpn for high signal.even i used vpn it gave me 170 ping.please if you read this message help me to bring my account back.i didnt used cheat and other alternatives
please help me
sinopt1k 10 feb om 15:17 
sinopt1k 10 feb om 15:17 
sinopt1k 10 feb om 15:17 
sinopt1k 10 feb om 15:17 
sinopt1k 10 feb om 15:17 
sinopt1k 10 feb om 15:17 