9 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
Non recommandé
0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 16.4 h en tout (0.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 30 déc. 2023 à 21h26
Mis à jour : 6 janv. à 16h53

Separate Ways is separate pay.

Edit: Steam is begging me to revise my review. The game is great, and the remake is hundred miles better than RE2 and much more than RE3. Capcom is doing their job well this time. I am sure that future remakes will be much much better.

Still at Chapter 3 at the moment of this writing, so I can't say a lot for now.
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