Leo Valdez
Leo Valdez   United States
My name is Leo Valdez, I am a demi-god, (son of Hephaestus, for the Greeks, or Vulcan for the Latins), and I am, (in a way,) the friend that you have always dreamed of. My girlfriend is Calypso, (yeah I know: my girlfriend is a nymph, it's really cool !!!). My Best Friends are Jason Grace, Nico Di Angello and Percy Jackson. I am six feet tall. My body can ignite; (literally). My favorite color is Orange. I speak English, Spanish, French, Latin and Ancient Greek. I am used to affirming my solidarity with the "whipping boys for no reasons" on which the collective takes pleasure to "bash". Once I seduced the goddess Juventas, and to ''play'' with me, she turned me into a male harpy for about a week; (I kinda loved it !!!). And then, as soon as Jupiter, (Juventas Father), realized that I seduced his daughter, he turned me angrily into a giant lobster for five months; (I didn't really liked that at all...).