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77 중 17 (22%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제


Clear the Sweltering Desert
2024년 5월 14일 오후 7시 52분에 획득

The Sweltering crusade

Clear the Sweltering Desert
2024년 5월 14일 오후 8시 38분에 획득

Warlords of Coconut Beach

Clear the Coconut Beach
2024년 5월 15일 오전 12시 59분에 획득

Mists of Mushroom

Clear the Mushroom Swamp
2024년 5월 14일 오후 10시 11분에 획득

Warth of the Glacier

Clear the Uncanny Glacier
2024년 5월 14일 오후 11시 50분에 획득

Lava Cataclysm

Clear the Roasting Volcano
2024년 5월 14일 오후 10시 11분에 획득

Save the world

2024년 5월 15일 오전 12시 15분에 획득


Defeat Final Boss
2024년 5월 15일 오전 12시 15분에 획득

Master engineer

Unlock Sealineer
2024년 5월 14일 오후 8시 12분에 획득

Rodent boxing champion

Unlock Mouscle
2024년 5월 15일 오전 12시 15분에 획득

Hair hunter

Unlock Snipeagle
2024년 5월 15일 오전 12시 15분에 획득

Back To The Future

First failure
2024년 5월 14일 오후 8시 12분에 획득

Million households

Accumulate 10,000 gold
2024년 5월 15일 오전 5시 24분에 획득


Accumulate deployed 300 Cluckmech
2024년 5월 14일 오후 10시 19분에 획득

Albatross big gift package

Receive the highest level of supply
2024년 5월 14일 오후 11시 36분에 획득

Mad juicesII

A glass of juice caused a tragedy, to the stomach upset Sealineer handing paper
2024년 5월 15일 오전 12시 46분에 획득

Fancy junk

Get a fancy little piece of junk as a souvenir
2024년 5월 15일 오전 4시 42분에 획득


Defeat Final Boss At Level 15

Taboo-Tech Products

Unlock AlphaGou


Passing Level 5

Super Difficulty

Passing Level 10


Passing Level 15


Level 15 for all characters

Real king in a fighting

Warcluck Pass Level 15

Engineering Academician

Sealineer Pass Level 15

Gold championship belt

Mouscle Pass Level 15

Cinereous Vulture

Snipeagle Pass Level 15


AlphaGou Pass Level 15

Grandmaster at Arms

Unlock all the talents of Warcluck

Grandmaster at engineering

Unlock all the talents of Sealineer

Grandmaster at wrestle

Unlock all the talents of Mouscle

Grandmaster at baldness

Unlock all the talents of Snipeagle

Grandmaster at intelligent

Unlock all the talents of AlphaGou


Unlocked Cluckmech Collection


Unlocked Enemy Collection

Inheritance of Alchemy

Accumulate 10,0000 gold

War fund BH

Accumulate 10,00000 gold


Accumulate deployed 3000 Cluckmech


Accumulate deployed 30000 Cluckmech

Used 99 new

Mobile base passes without taking damage

Rake in bribes

Have more than 3000 gold when beat the game

Rush off work

Beat the game in 50 minutes

Mortal strike

Cluckmech single damage over 5000

Gold Headshot

Snipeagle single damage over 60000

Mobile tanking,Elite

Mobile base health over 10000

Mobile Armory

Over 30 Cluckmech in bag

Indiana Jones' found

Have Mech Fire Dragon

Brotatohood cheif

Beat Big Potato Bro

I'll be back!

Buy T800

Swamp Gourdomet

Eat Canned Fish Mint

Mad juicesI

A glass of juice caused a tragedy, sell a cup of Poopy Orange Juice to the Sealineer

Ckuckmech Champion

Carrying two types of trained Cluckmech beat the game


Full Belly at the volcano


Discover a paradise in a volcanic massif


Carrying Cowboy Cat and Bear Bully beat the game

Lion's Co.Platinum Member

Carrying Stonelion Tower and Stonelion Crossbow Turret beat the game

"Beware the wheeldog!"

Deploy Muscle Dog when 20 power, many animals are impressed by the classic villain in some wacky fairy tale.

Mutant Hunter Strikes

Play Mutation Mode

Expert Mutant Hunter

Mutant Mode gets 1 full medal

Mutant Hunter: Warcluck

Pass 1 weekly Mutant Mode with Warcluck

Mutant Hunter: Sealioneer

Pass 1 weekly Mutant Mode with Sealioneer

Mutant Hunter: Mouscle

Pass 1 weekly Mutant Mode with Mouscle

Mutant Hunter: Snipeagle

Pass 1 weekly Mutant Mode with Snipeagle

Mutant Hunter: AlphaGou

Pass 1 weekly Mutant Mode with AlphaGou

Desert Giant Cacti

Break Giant Mutant Plants in Desert

Coconut Palm Colossus

Break Giant Mutant Plants in Beach

Swamp Titan Lily

Break Giant Mutant Plants in Swamp

Glacial Giant Conifer

Break Giant Mutant Plants in Glaciers

Power Pilferer

Stealing Power from Igloos using Night-heron

Fish Mint Reactor

Spawn Muscle Hachi when 20 power

Viper Appetite

Activate Cerberusnake

Bee Family MAX

Carrying 5 Bee series cluckmech beat the game

Call of the Sealioneer

Carrying Sealioneer Energy Beacon beat the game

Big Strong and Big Smart

Carrying Deep Sea King and Ghost Dolphin beat the game

Fox's Friends

Reach 1000 Attack with the Fox Turret

2 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

도전 과제가 잠금해제 되면 세부 정보가 공개됩니다