Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 56
3.1 год. за 2 тижні / 6.8 год. загалом (4.9 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 2 листоп. о 3:04
Оновлено: 10 груд. о 8:26


the game is alot of fun but if there was a mixed review, i would give it.

all i need from this game is crossplay and a first person option. i would actually suggest that the 3rd person mode is way more tedious then a first person mode since when you go to the maze part in the train level, you cant see ♥♥♥♥ plus the third person perspective makes it harder to navigate in small places. i dont want to hear anything on why they cant add first person as a literal option because its so called "disorientating for vr players" while there are vr veterans who dont get sick at all, but they can add a nose feature to give yourself a nose with full skin colour customisation and size customisation.

i do admit that 3rd person mode works really well but for people who want a more vr experience instead of another 3rd person platformer but in vr, i really think there should be a feature for first person. it is very doable to add and its not hard at all. in fact, i think if the vr version had console commands, we would be able to get a way better version of this game with the built in first person mode. oh and by the way when you guys said that you would have to remove the wobblyness for first person, this is entirely wrong since you can easily just parent the vr camera to the player head and sacrifice play space movement while having your hands be where your real hands are, would make this game one of the best vr games for me.

EDIT: ok so the devs are FINALLY adding first person to the game, this iemediatly fixed my biggest issue for me, thank you devs for this!

as the games current state right now, i would wait a tiny bit before buying since there are a phew bugs but thats literaly it. i would now give the game a 7/10 (8/10 if the devs release first person mode for multiplayer eventually when its ready)

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Відповідь розробника:
Foenix_CG  [розробник] Додано: 4 листоп. о 4:38
Hey there, Cheeto!

Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review with some valuable feedback and suggestions! And thanks for playing our game :)

We're taking the feedback onboard and are investigating options, we'll be sure to share more soon.

Thanks again for playing!