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Seneste anmeldelser af Nikki Nam

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153.9 timer registreret i alt (151.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I enjoyed this game, I started with the Demo to see if it was a good match for me, and it was fun. I later purchased the Base game, and the Ford DLC, but there are a lot of Car brand DLC’s you can choose from. I picked Ford because I own and maintain my own Ford. I’m in no way an expert mechanic, but the game does pretty well with the actual parts on the cars.
It starts out fairly simple, with easily completed tasks that all car owners should at least be familiar with. There seem to be just two main suspension types, with a few minor variations. However, there are LOTS of engine variations.

I do find it very convenient that you can build a new engine on the engine stand, and just transfer if to the car, this lets you build the entire engine with raising/lowering the car rack. I do find it funny that you can build the entire engine in the car, without having the suspension or motor mounts in the frame. Not sure if that was just an oversight, or game limitation. Also, after you progress enough, it’s just easier to remove the parts without emptying the fluids, because the penalty is minimal compared to the added time. Just let it spill all over the bay, and it “auto-cleans” up for 50-100 currency each. Haha.

I enjoyed restoring the barn finds the most, and never turned down a car found there. You can really restore these with fascinating results. The ones at the scrap yard are just that—scrap. You can certainly restore them, but plan on replacing and/or buying everything.

I’ve seen some comments that some of the engines don’t match specific car brands, but I’m not that knowledgeable about other car brands. Overall, I think the game play, progression, functionality, and sim-to-reality is really good. This is a game you can just chill with, walk away without having to pause, constantly save, or worry about timed requirements. On a side note, I love how the game uses your actual steam friends during the auctions, who keep trying to outbid you.

I’d give it a 9 out of 10, and is very educational. I started with the Demo to see if it was a good match for me, and it was fun. Of course, in the real world; stuff breaks, and a little WD-40 doesn’t always “Fix-it.” It’s a “clean” way to enjoy repairing cars, without any physical work in a hot garage.

Skrevet: 4. juli.
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107.1 timer registreret i alt (32.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
New Cycle follows a similar path to Frostpunk, and many others have noted that. However, it also has a lot of similarities to Ixion. Loving both of those games, New Cycle seemed like something I’d enjoy. I was not disappointed! There are some rebalancing and broken buildings that need some attention, in my opinion. With that being said, I hope this review might help both the Devs, and those considering purchasing it.

The positive;

The tutorial was pretty easy and straightforward to follow. After completing the tutorial (highly recommended you do this first), I started a fresh game, mainly because I’m just that way.
Science/Knowledge. The Knowledge tree mirrored Ixion’s in that you typically had to complete most of the branch before moving to the higher ones. Each knowledge is an investment of time and resources.

Storage. I liked that the storage gave you the option to “view all” or drill down to several groupings. This became important late in the game to do a quick scroll through of excess to look for items low in stock. Even more impressive was the ability to cap each individual resource so you don’t forget about that one worker that mine’s rock the entire game, lol. (Guilty).

Dependencies. There are so many dependencies, sometimes overwhelming until you understand all the underlying requirements. I’d recommend taking your time in between each knowledge discovery to test out the new buildings before moving on to the next one. In all likelihood, you’re probably going to need a stockpile of that material for the next one.

Bunker. This was really confusing at first, but after learning the impact of a couple of compartment selections, it really challenges you to think about the potential outcome of 80 compartments, each with 24 different options. It’s really complex and took me hours to build a model in excel to get the most out of the space. It was like homework for gaming. I plan to later post some calculations in a guide later.

The negative;

Broken buildings. It seemed every time I loaded the game after exiting, all of the farms, and a couple of the greenhouse stopped working. It took me awhile to discover, because there wasn’t and warning that they weren’t functioning. It wasn’t until I ran out of wheat that I discovered this. So, every time I load know, I got “re-click” on the resource to produce, and the workers start producing again.

Resource Improvements. Several buildings improvements not only cost more Craftsman/Specialists, but the produced LESS than the basic counterparts. Don’t bother building the Sawmill, Advanced Metal Works or Advanced Distillery, you get more resources for less skilled workers. Recommend you just keep the Lumberyard, Distillery, and Smelter. Just add more as they are needed.

The ENDING. Anticlimactic —a big disappointment. I know it’s early access, and maybe more to come, but—c’mon.

I you loved and found Frostpunk and/or Ixion challenging, I think you’ll love this too. I felt I got my money’s worth for an early access. Can’t wait to see some more fixes and content coming in the future!
Skrevet: 26. januar. Sidst redigeret: 26. januar.
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370.7 timer registreret i alt (362.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I’m kind of conflicted on this one, tbh. But at the end of the day, I’ve gotta go thumbs up.

It follows a strategy similar to Frostpunk, but in space, obviously. I love the artwork and the video cutscenes moving the Tiqqun from planet to planet. I just completed the game on “Challenge” mode with >300 hours game play. That’s not to brag, but to point out that I definitely got my money’s worth. The game sometimes has conflicting resource management, both good and bad, explained later. You should expect to die. The science trees are a nice change from the norm, but the prerequisites are overall complicated IMO.

The strategy is this game forces you to not only think about current requirements, but also the long term survival of the Tiqqun. At the beginning, at least, the inventory management system is fairly straight forward. Since you will be forced to replan each sector multiple times, it’s nice that you aren’t penalized for demolishing and rebuilding from a resources perspective.
Similar to Frostpunk, as your progress, you are forced to upgrade. Sometimes, you’ll totally destroy and rebuild buildings, why other upgrades are passive and applied immediately after researched. As your population grows, you are forced to expand into other sectors. Overall the balance between sector happiness is fair, with upgrades available from the “Stability” tab. Although you can’t see every sector at once, the overall GUI allows you to hover over each sector to get the overall general health. There are at least a couple instances where you can have the game “perfectly” balanced, where you make just enough food, convert enough waste, and essentially “survive,” without any user interface. Any other time, you will need to pause—because Murphy’s law dictates something will happen if you use the restroom or otherwise try to take a break.
Although I see a lot of people complaining about the layout, I actually found that as part of the challenge. For me, it was easier to layout my sectors in Excel format to make the most of each sectors real estate. This is EXTREMELY important in Challenge Mode, because you want to try and complete it with only 4 or 5 sectors (because each additional sector penalizes your Hull performance).

The BAD:
Later in the game, the resource management panel sometimes “breaks.” By “breaks”, I mean that the resources won’t move from a storage sector, to a production sector. I’ve lost the hull (and therefor died), many times when the alloy wouldn’t move between one sector to the other. The only way to fix it is to manually go into the “advanced” mode and “uncheck” and “recheck” the box—and then the resources magically start moving again. This happened on both the “Normal” and “Challenge” modes. Perhaps I’m doing something wrong, but I don’t think so.
There is NO option to destroy a building without recovering the resources. This becomes a problem later, where you can essentially “soft lock” yourself into being unable to remove a building because there’s not a space to store resources. I’d suggest keeping them at no more than 80% full. An individual resource level at the each building level would be really nice.
The science tree is overall complicated— Sometimes just when you think you’ve got something figured out, you find out there’s a pre-requisite from a complete unrelated science tree. I’ll leave it at that.

-Use small stockpiles in all your sectors except a storage sector. Yes, they utilize more workers and power, but you get 4x the transporters compared the Lg stockpile. This will become critical later in the game, and the tradeoff is that you won’t need the drone bay.
-Get the train station and Lg medical facility. This’ll free up the need for a Medical Center in each sector.
-Challenge Mode: Make sure you align your Sector Specializations with your Memorials; this gives you a boost in overall happiness. This way you don’t need the later technologies (Hull Chapel, Legislative Bldg, ect).
-Start making Electronic Chips ASAP! You’ll need them. Build 4 Recycling plants, this nets you 2 Chips per 50 Waste instead of 1 Chip. Even early on, you can build 4, but “un-power” 3 of them—you still get the bonus!
-You can survive off of Ant farms the entire game. No need to mess with water storage, water plant, farms, ect. Just dedicate 4 Dominic Quarters, a few Sm stockpiles, a DLS Center, 1 Food production Memorial, and the rest be all ant farms (fully upgraded). That’ll take you through the entire game if you manage food distribution carefully. On Challenge Mode, turn off your cyropod center after you complete the mandatory 2,000 awakenings—you don’t need the rest). Example attached. Probably can be further optimized, but this worked for me :)
-There’s more than one way to complete the final Chapter :)
Skrevet: 15. juli 2023. Sidst redigeret: 15. juli 2023.
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21.8 timer registreret i alt (13.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
A very interesting game. As a couple on the run, you open a tailor shop and tavern to serve some very interesting grub. Whilst you believe you’ve evaded your past lives, someone knows what you’ve done, and asks for a buffet made up of a few very specific clientele. Overall, the game gets a thumbs up from me. The game play is progressive allowing you to learn, whilst keeping you busy. In order to beat the game, you will have to master managing many tasks simultaneously, but it’s not so ridiculous that you’re frustrated trying to understand what’s going on. Plan efficiently to keep resources high, and think about different patterns. Near the end of the game, I started running out of resources, but reanalyzed my strategic plan, and overcame the strategy change the game throws at you.

The GOOD: The game is well designed, including a few hidden achievements that can be obtained outside of the normal game play. The introduction is very thorough on basic controls and activities. It also allows the player to decide a path that they choose, as far as which areas to focus on first. The upgrades are logical, the characters voices (although repetitive) add to the game play, and the story is just twisted enough for the player to wonder what will happen next. The ingredients and recipes also follow logical reasoning, and I love that the customer’s orders include the ingredients required in the info card, so you don’t have to keep opening the recipe book.

I love the Seymore plant from the 1986 thriller “Little Shop of Horrors” that you can grow in the attic alongside the rotting, decomposing carcasses. Whether that was intentional or not, I’m not sure. I kept waiting for it to say “Feed me Seymore!” The cat that you take in adds a bit of relaxation after a hard days work, and can be picked up and petted. The cat will catch mice for you that you can cook, although you can’t actually serve them to customers. It took me a minute to figure out how to dispose of the mice, but just look around if you ever get stuck. After completing the game, it does allow you to continue on, although there are really no further objectives. It Does allow you to fine tune your strategy though if you ever wanted to try and speed run it. For $5, it was a steal of a deal, and I can’t wait to see what comes out next. Maybe additional content?

The BAD: The music is really repetitive. The final requirement was a little disappointing, as the player is expecting to provide a masterpiece of a meal, only to find out it’s only cut-scenes. The ending also leaves the player wondering what really happened. Perhaps the developers let it that way purposely for the player to make their own assumptions, but talk about anticlimactic.

OVERALL: Absolutely worth the price. Did not run into any errors, crashes, of other issues with the game.
Skrevet: 7. maj 2022.
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9.9 timer registreret i alt (9.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
An unpacking sim. It has a story that goes along with it as you progress through life. The game itself is fairly simple, with a few added puzzles. Even if you complete the entire game, you can still go back and complete the puzzles to receive all of the stickers. I kind of laugh that I made it through the whole game, and yet I’ve still got “real” packed boxes from our move several years ago, lol. A common complaint I saw was that there was a lack of levels, and I do agree with that. If you’re looking for a game with a lot of hours of gameplay, this may not be the best value for your money. Overall, it’s a great game. Great to just poke at while relaxing. I’d give it a 7 out of 10.
Skrevet: 8. januar 2022.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
931.9 timer registreret i alt (95.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
Current Status;

Lvl 12 Healer, 95 hours played (though half of it was fishing), and yes, Maiden+ Account.

Overall, I do like the battle mechanics and gameplay. I’d rate it as 4 of 5, with great potential 😊
Even with 95 hours, I recall only 3 times the game “crashed,” and loses were minimum. However, see the “Bad” below for one major annoyance of a crash.

THE GOOD: As mentioned, the battle mechanics are great, although there is a definite learning curve. However, after you’ve spent a few hours trying out different combinations, you’ll be blowing through the weaker enemies quickly. As a typical XP driven game, grinding becomes second nature, and you’ll soon find yourself ignoring the weaker enemies because the loot/XP isn’t worth your time. To correct this, the game compensates for this by using NPC’s that require you to re-engage weaker enemies to collect loot required to upgrade your weapons/magic. Once you start grinding in the Necropolis desert, you’ll find strongholds that provide extremely challenging strongholds, with the yellow Strongholds harboring a wider variety of common enemies supporting the stronghold boss—which makes for a very anxiety driven battle.

Also, I like that while during training, you can attend to the minor “maintenance tasks (such as “Spin/Crate” actions, and even review/manage inventory)—all while the training continues in the background (so you’re not just sitting there waiting for the minute to pass).

Fishing! Absolutely save and buy yourself a Fishing pole, permit, and Premium bait. This helps you catch fish to exchange for gold while you are AFK. The game even let’s you know you can “unbind” your mouse by clicking “Left-Ctrl” and minimizing the game to reduce CPU/GPU load (goes into a 10FPS mode). Do not fish if you won’t be away for at least 30 minutes, otherwise you are losing money. If you by multiple permits, they stack, so you can leave the game AFK for hours, and stock up while out grocery shopping, ect. Just be sure you have the space.

Boobies, and more 😉 . As a bisexual, I appreciate the aspects of both sexes :) Just look at some of the screen captures other players have already posted here on Steam. Even some of us women like some good boob shots 😉, to compensate for what some of us don’t have, lol.

THE BAD: Paywalls everywhere. As mentioned by a lot of other members, there are so many pay-to-play options, that it is overwhelming to understand at first. However, the game is still totally “playable” without buying anything. Sure, if you only want to see boobies and shower scenes, the developers going to make you pay. If that’s the only reason you’re here, just go find some free porn. My suggestion is, if you do like the game, do the Patreon option, best overall value in my opinion. Plus, when you do finally get bored, and can simply stop the subscription.

Leveling up is misleading until you learn how it works. There are two level mechanics.
(1) The first, is “Interim.” You can select which weapon or spell to upgrade as you defeat enemies and complete quests. These persist as long as you continue playing the game. If you sign out, or the game crashes, you keep the XP, but you return to Lvl 1, or the level of your last “permanent” upgrade. This is quite infuriating when it happens due to a crash.
(2) The second is “Permanent.” Through gold (never due this, such a waste), or crafting. Crafting costs resources, and either a crafting ticket, gold, or shards/diamonds [can’t remember which one]. However, as the term “permanent” implies, these upgrades are permanent, even if you sign out and later return.

Daily quests annoyance: Gifting to other NPC’s. This absolutely does not work. When trying to engage in conversation with the guards, it does appear that positive conversations are stored in the “conversation” bar. But you can only discuss so long until the game forces you to say “bye.” 30 minutes later, when you come back to that person, they’ve totally forgotten any prior conversations you’ve had. This makes it impossible to complete some daily quests. And yes, I’ve even written down several names to make sure I’m speaking to the same people each time.

MY SUGGESTIONS for the developers [if anyone is even still reading this];

Target sensitivity. In the gun range, the target box is small, as it should be. However, in the field, even shots that are clearly “off the mark” do some damage. I believe the target hit box on enemies (at least those with heads), needs to be smaller to be more realistic.

Potions. Potions don’t work when accessing them from the “Esc” menu. the potions get consumed, but nothing happens, and she just keeps consuming them one after the next. However, to avoid this, directly opening the inventory using the “I” key works as intended. It shouldn’t matter how you access the inventory list, clearly a bug that needs repaired.
Skrevet: 7. marts 2021. Sidst redigeret: 7. marts 2021.
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318.1 timer registreret i alt (3.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
The new Tomb Raider series has come a long way since the franchise first started. I really like to amount of items, weapons, and special moves available. The graphics are amazing.
Skrevet: 1. maj 2020.
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