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Diposting: 18 Sep 2024 @ 2:37am

For me Warframe was one of those free games I played as a kid because I wasn't allowed to spend any money. I really wanted to play Destiny but I couldn't, so I settled for Warframe instead. I do not regret playing this game at all. I played Warframe outside of steam so even though it says I've played for 53 hours, it's really more like 200 or something, more if you count the other accounts I made.

Warframe is super grindy if you're into games like that and also has a really nice community. The movement in this game is honestly the best movement I've seen in any game for sure. The graphics are beautiful and even the story is pretty good. I've put this game down a lot because the game got too grindy for me but eventually I came back to it because it was just that fun.

If you're thinking about playing the game, you should definitely try it. It's free and you could put it down whenever if you don't like it. It's a good experience so I feel like it would be worth your time.
If you're a returning veteran and you're thinking of coming back, than you should come back. You're already thinking about it so why not go for it?

You never really quit Warframe, you just take extended breaks.
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