Gavin Dahl   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Tällä hetkellä paikalla
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
2 1
Perfektionistin esittelykokonaisuus
Saavutukset täydellisissä peleissä
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 2 376 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 1.7.
yhteensä 609 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 30.6.
500 pistettä
Saavutustilastot   170 / 193
yhteensä 128 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 27.6.
100 pistettä
aurora ✰ 10.2. klo 17.38 
definitely an english major looksmaxxing gigachad
SirCrazyCat 3.2. klo 12.07 
Who says I'm human? You shouldn't mis-identify people like that. You might get cancelled. I guess your new brain has kept you sensitive but I'll pass the compliment over to him. I'm sure he'll be proud to know he's not the worst :cozybethesda:
love 21.1. klo 14.20 
boosted by "kekwSmurf" so I guess this guy is not a better human than his friend
SirCrazyCat 12.1.2023 klo 12.53 
Everyone has their 'off' days, so that's why I may seem boosted, you must be having one worse than me if you had to come here
Alfakebaben 12.1.2023 klo 12.41 
boosted trash
SirCrazyCat 21.9.2022 klo 6.47 
You got that triadic list in there mate, nice work