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게시 일시: 2023년 2월 22일 오전 11시 49분

I'm a big fan of Arkane, I'm a big fan of Immersive Sims and I love System Shock but for some reasons the boxes didn't check for me on this game. First off I will say I did go into the game in the wrong way, when I found out Arkane made it I let myself expect Dishonored in Space, I didn't look at any trailers or pictures, I saw it was on sale so I bought it. So when I first got into the game, besides being blown away by the visuals I started to realize that this was gonna be more like System Shock and less like Dishonored, so once I got past that little mental hurdle I started to enjoy the game, all the interactions you can do are really impressive and it leads to a lot of "A ha!" moments when you finally figure out what to do, but to me that's all the game feels like it has to offer, it drags on and on and on and gets old once you've already discovered the intricacies of Talos 1 and even when you get past all the boring bits the ending just sorta drops on you, you are given a bunch of options to end the game at once that will impact the ending and it almost makes it feel like your choices throughout the game didn't really matter besides some dialogue, my favorite immersive sim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution does this kinda as well, but the over all enjoyment of that game makes up for it and also Human Revolution's endings are all more emotional in my eyes. Prey's twist was kinda lame too in my opinion, but what really gets me is it's just not memorable outside of the sticky note section or the Gloo Gun, when I think back to playing it, what mostly comes to mind is boring, dragging on sections and repetitiveness. It has all the great things that an Immersive Sim should have I suppose, that's why I recommend it, I recommend it to those who want to play more Immersive Sims but not to the ordinary gamer.
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