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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 86.4 hrs on record (63.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 May, 2023 @ 8:48pm

I still think about this game a lot, if I were to drop nostalgia for early titles this is probably my favorite video game ever, this is very spur of the moment, I'm kinda just winging this review, thinking about DXHR so I'm writing about it, Immersive Sims are one of my favorite genres of all time, I love different ways to fight, sneak, traverse, talk to NPC's, etc, I don't think DXHR does these things the best, but I do think it's the most balanced, Prey has so much of the ImSim formula but it has a lackluster story IMO, if you consider BioShock an ImSim, I think it has an amazing story but lacks intriguing gameplay, Dishonored is the opposite, but DXHR doesn't have the best gameplay, it has great gameplay but it can be outclassed, same goes for it's story, I really like the story, I'm a little biased, but I don't think the story or the gameplay outshine each other, Deus Ex is unrealistic of course but it also feels a lot more grounded than other ImSims, Jensen's augments aren't as powerful as Corvo's magic or Jack's plasmids, it's cheesy to say but you feel like a swat officer on the shooting floor when you get into fire fights, the way you use cover and the environment around you, I think Adam's character is really interesting, he's indifferent to human augmentation but through other people's choices he gets augmented without a say so, that theme is played with a lot in the game, the situation seems plausible, no underwater city or floating space station, it feels like a real city with real people rioting outside, believable corrupt politicians, real social unrest, again at the risk of sounding cheesy, this game really makes me think about my moral compass, the endings of the game, maybe a little cheap in presentation, no matter which one you get Adam reassures you it's the right choice, no stupid world killing ending, every ending makes you stop and think, all games should strive to be like this, I wish I could just sit at night and think about the characters, the world, the endings of every game I played, maybe someday I'll better break things down but I just wanted to write about a game I love, 10/10 I recommend with every bone in my body.
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