Black Ops 2 543
Marcus Holloway   San Francisco, California, United States
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Quotes From Friends
--- Normal Quotes ---

"This kid has a terminal illness and he's playing gmod? Yeah, no." - Ghost, 5/25/19.

"The path to failure, is caused by the lack of desire to succeed." - Ghost, 6/1/19.

"I don't have an E button!" - Gaming, after not being able to press "E."

"Watermelons are just really big grapes" - Texan Depression, some time ago.

"The suitcase is just a cuboid of death" - Hunter, while talking about Hitman 2's briefcase.

"End of school? I'm waiting for the summer sale!" - Ghost, talking about the Steam Summer Sale.

"How do you play with my heart this time" - Ghost's Friend

"Before my reactors go super nova..." - Ghost, 6/16/19

"That doesn't deserve a full clap" - Ghost, 6/17/19

"Hey there buddy, would you like a taser grenade?" - Ghost, 6/28/19

"I just slit your throat!" - Hunter, 10/7/19, No context needed.

"Well you need that cause you're a troublemaker." - Ghost's dad to Ghost when he's talking about parental restrictions.

"Life is strong, but not as strong as death" - Ender, 5/6/20

"I'm just gonna start cutting ♥♥♥♥ off" - Hunter, 6/26/20

"It looks like someone just spilled paint all over my stairs!" Shawn, while playing Minecraft

"They got Poof-Goned" - Hunter, 7/21/2020

"Listen, Spencer, I'm not gonna hip-fire with an AK from 50 meters away!" - Hunter, while arguing about aim assist in MW.

--- Weird as F**k Quotes ---

"Join me, No one's in me" - Ghost, while talking about joining a roblox game

"Sugar time with your meat stick" - Hunter, 6/1/19.

"I just want to quickly kill some people" - Phoenix, 6/5/19

"How many ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ arrows do you take?" - Hunter, 6/8/19

"Hey buddy, how you doin'?" - Ghost, 6/8/19

"raider? more like womb raider." - Gaming, while talking about Ghost.

"Search, 'How to #### your local school on youtube' for a good tutorial" - Ghost, 6/17/19

"Black, that homeless camp is DLC." - Ghost, 7/23/19

"There was only a few babies left." - Hunter, 9/1/19

"Ohhhhh, it goes 1.5 in!" - Ghost, 10/7/19

"I just recreated Nagasaki on the toilet" - Ghost, 11/6/19

"The sound of the shovel hitting their face is so satisfying" - Ghost, 3/22/20

"Give it to me, Give it to me, Give it to me, Yes!" - Ender, 5/11/20

"Stalin be with me" - Ender, 5/11/20

"I Love you Bone" - Zebs, 6/8/20

"That's inspritational for suicide." - Soup, while reading a different quote in this list.

"I thought this was dried ♥♥♥♥ but it's actually a piece of plastic" - Soup, 6/14/2020

"Ooohhhhhh Daddy ♥♥♥♥" - Soup, 6/14/2020

"You stupid mmmm- My little pony looking ass" - Soup, 6/14/2020

"Oooohhhhh she's fingering meeee" - Soup, 6/14/2020

"I've also helped someone cheat on their girlfriend" - Soup, 6/15/2020

"That's just me smacking my cooch" - Soup, 6/15/2020

"He doesn't associate with anyone but his butt buddies™" - Greg, while talking about an owner of a server

"I screw my sister to keep the bloodline pure" - Chubbs, 7/10/2020

"🎵 Get Raped, Get Raped. 🎵... Yep that's my motto" - Hunter, 8/28/2020

"Thank you so much for using a P90. You make me so erect." - Hunter, 8/28/2020

--- Fully Dumbass Quotes ---

"What do you mean I can't fit an AMD core in an Intel MoBo?" - Tallgoo, 5/21/19

"Guitars are just really big metallic pianos" - Texan Depression, 6/2/19.

"I had too much greasy goodness, threw up half a liter" - My friend Steven, 6/2/2019.

"I don't have FTL Flopper" - Shawn, Trying to say PHD Flopper

"I have Bubbles" - Shawn, Referring to a gun.

"My eyes are cold" - Shawn, 6/6/2020

"Let's call the Skeleton Flaccid Pancake" - Zebs, 6/10/2020

"It's turning light time" - Zebs, 6/10/2020

"I need a pill chill" - Soup, 6/14/2020

"Luigi Ballsack" - Soup, 6/14/2020

"MoM wHy Am I pOoPy" - Soup, 6/14/2020

"Are you breathing fat?" - Zebs, while talking to Ender
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Ol' Dirty Dick 16.1.2021 klo 19.33 
What the ♥♥♥♥ did you just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ say about me, you little ♥♥♥♥♥? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying ♥♥♥♥ to me over the Internet? Think again, ♥♥♥♥♥♥. As we speak I am contacting my network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
JayP 17.7.2020 klo 21.37 
Black Ops 2 543 7.7.2020 klo 12.32 
We were playing The Forest at the time
Ol' Dirty Dick 7.7.2020 klo 11.45 
I want more context on the "there are a few more babies left" quote chief
ENDERSHOT_1 11.5.2020 klo 17.45 
-rep forget the murder him part for the give it to me quote