Fitness freak, workout , Golds gym freak, photographer, boxer   United States

MY Life MY Motivation For all Achieve Big In Life [www.nationalgeographic.com.au] "Life sucks without the shape of your body" Please don't make me frustrated again and again asking the same question , yes its me in that damn profile photo . HIT HARD, HIT HEAVY, GET THE PUMP, GET THE HEAT, HIT LESS SETS BUT MORE REPS, GET THAT DAMN (TORSO) SHAPE, NEVER GIVE UP !!!... Like basketball too :P
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1 feljegyzett VAC-kitiltás | Információ
2254 nap az utolsó kitiltás óta
Aby(Aesthetic) 2018. aug. 30., 13:45 
Sweet , thx :)
Aby(Aesthetic) 2018. aug. 27., 18:02 
Hello sis :)
Kim 2018. aug. 26., 16:03 
Have an amazing weekend! :steamhappy:
KIM 2018. aug. 25., 13:48 
██▒▒▒▒█▒▒▒▒██(¯`•´¯)  H a v e 🌙
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─▀██▒▒▒▒▒██▀.•..(¯`•´¯) L o v e l y 🌺
───▀██▒██▀(¯`•´¯)*•❀•* W e e k e n d❢ ❤
thanks my frend❤❤❤
Aby(Aesthetic) 2018. aug. 21., 9:15 
No problem, it's people mindset to not accept vac ban profiles, don't worry , it doesn't matter, wish u good luck and take care # Leah
instagram alexe_gamers 2018. aug. 21., 8:35 
i dont accept vac ban on profiles sorry