zakaria   Jiddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Hi :gbvs_sierokarte: (sorry for bad england)
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sidst spillet d. 28. juni
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sidst spillet d. 15. juni
RBDSTN 14. maj kl. 0:33 
among us rap
This is my among us rap if anyone has a record label to offer please dm me

Emergency meeting!

You know among us got me peeing!

In the snow I’m skiing

Yeah among us meeting

I like among us it is cool

I even play it in my school

Playing among us makes me drool

I play among us in my pool

Among us is very POG

I even play it with my dog!

If you don’t play among us, you’re a grog

I can’t see in the decontamination fog!

I know my among us rap is very fire

Playing among us can inspire!

I play among us with a squire

My need for among us is very dire!

Writing this among us rap was time well-spent

When I’m imposter I go in the vent

I play among us with my friend Trent

If you don’t play among us, you need to repent

In Medbay, I do a scan

Ill play among us if I can!

I’m so good at among us, I’ll get a ban

I should even get an among us van




RBDSTN 17. juli 2023 kl. 12:45 
RBDSTN 4. maj 2022 kl. 4:18 
I'm back (Ayy)

Mugiwara Luffy

ملك القراصنة اللي راح أنقش حروفي على قمة جزيرة الملوك رافتيل

لو تفكر تتحداني، Go to hell

I'm back (Ayy)

Mugiwara Luffy

ملك القراصنة اللي راح أنقش حروفي على قمة جزيرة الملوك رافتيل

لو تفكر تتحداني، Go to hell

بس الحيوان الأليف، تشوبر الطبيب

يعالج أي فرد فالطاقم لو انه اصيب

ولا السايبوج، فرانكي، صح انه منحرف

و لكن هيئته الممييزه تخليه عنهم مختلف

واللي يعزف لنا بيانو، لا أشوفك تستهين

بروك العظمة عمره حوالي التسعين
c.c. pizza girl 29. apr. 2022 kl. 15:13 
Omg you are asian? and you play video games too? no way!!!!! ks omy please lets be friends wallah I promise im not going to lick your feet during Ramadhan I swear to god pwease pwease pweaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase im gonna carry you in overwatch and valorant if you want, we can also watch Gordon Ramsey together uwu uwu im better than my rivals Zakaria and Leaf trust me I know i can make you feel better bbgorl I can be your "listens to strokes" BF to your "listens to mitski" GF I dont have muscles or kersha but I have the money I can buy you macha boba tea and take you on a ride with my pink hello kitty car and then we listen to DADDY DADDY DO together <3 <3 <3 ^_^ YOU ARE THE QUEEN, OMG OMG OMG SHOTTO MATTEH YOU WEAR A CHOKER TOO? WOWOWOWOWOWW HOLD ON HOLD ON ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN THANK GOD I LIVE IN THE SAME WORLD AS YOU AL7AMDULILAH WALLAH I CANT UNDERSTAND INCELS WHEN YOU EXIST IN THE SAME UNIVERSE, HOLY WOW WALLAH HARAKAT BARAKAT WALLAH
RBDSTN 19. juli 2021 kl. 12:49 
Silver-Rayz 21. juni 2021 kl. 5:06 
There's something you need to understand. I'm not the only girl you'll ever date. Maybe the first, not the last. Don't make this a popularity contest between girls. I'm just a girl. Just because we had a relationship doesn't make me any more special than anyone else. You need to leave me alone and stop this behavior. You're taking it way too far.