jin ? No but is real photo of me.
Born in November 1941 in bombed out London England. Whiter than the driven snow. Sexuality preferences: only my previous partners know for sure. Education: Left school on my 14th birthday. Lived in many different ways in both Britain and North American - Been thru all stages. Teddy Boy-Rocker,Hitch hiker (thousands of miles- all US states Canadian Provinces and Mexico.) Hippy, Druggie, wino, homesteader (goats Chickens Ducks Rabbits(food) kids etc. Teacher, small business owner, mentor and retiree.
Worked with and used almost every computer made from
the last 60 years, played lots of games - never used facebook!
jinix90 5 ABR 2023 a las 14:00 
agreed! all the above. I have over 800 hours playing this game on steam an probably over 2000 before steam got it . its better than all the other Stronghold games combined
jinix90 5 ABR 2023 a las 13:52 
thanks I'll try that