yes portugal   Madeira, Portugal
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cute little femboy 6 May, 2020 @ 12:25am 
Hang on a second... you're a girl?? Do you have breasts? Boobs?? Chesticles??? Mind if i take a look? Woah baby that's a big pair o honkers ya got there, a real huge pair of hooters! Wowza and don't mind me sayin this but holy cow that's an absolutely EEEEENORMOUS pair of hoodackadingers. Hang on a second, are you telling me those are your rangadangadinglerdonglers right there?? Those huge sacks of fat on your chest??? Oh they are??? nice boobies fatass.
TheKnitby 5 May, 2020 @ 9:57pm 
Dear Mike Caux Maul,

I would like to extend my thanks to you and Prudential for offering me with the RankUp promotional package for only RM60.99/month. I have been able to rank up to Master Nova Elite II in just 10 games with this package.

Best Regards,
Ni gay
cute little femboy 24 Apr, 2020 @ 10:28pm 
Dear Sir,

Prudential™ wishes you a good game! Prudential™ helps you in ranking up with the Prudential™ RankUp™ promotional package with only RM60.99/month. With Prudential™ NeverLose™ Policy we guarantee you an epic victory royale every game, partnered with Prudential™ PremiumMembership™ programme, you will be getting a 100% cashback once after 10 full games, which means you would be able to enjoy our Prudential™ Monthly Subscription for FREE! Get yours now at

p.s. package sold separately

Best Regards,
Mike Caux Maul
Prudential™ Senior Agent