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1 zarejestrowana blokada VAC | Informacje
Dni od ostatniej blokady: 2330
Ostatnia aktywność
2,5 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 3 lipca
13,3 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 1 lipca
1,5 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 1 lipca
GrindBlack666 31 maja o 16:32 
s3x w1th h1tl3r
WolfKiller 9 kwietnia 2020 o 9:05 
yeah righ lol
Nymfunny 9 kwietnia 2020 o 2:44 
imagine cheating on csgo lmao
WolfKiller 8 marca 2020 o 10:36 
i was just searching up how to update my nvidia drivers
WolfKiller 8 marca 2020 o 10:35 
i swear it wasnt me who sabottaged the school toilets
dan 8 marca 2020 o 9:08 
This is an automated message sent by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
We are to inform you that you are now on a watchlist, and that you are to be monitored 24/7 as of now.
Your actions have concerned us, and we are in suspicion that you are a potential risk to society and anyone around you.
Due to the fact that you often search up various topics on the internet that concern mass killings and shootings, you are now labeled as a could-be terrorist.