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2424 jour(s) depuis le dernier bannissement
jardik 11 aout 2022 à 11h47 
Amative 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 29 aout 2020 à 22h55 
📒 + [Secret Drug Facts] + 🎈
🌏 🔋 🎍 💎 💄 ⚡ 🎫 👽 🐠 👳 🌳 🍖 💎 🚕 📀 🎽
Drink Canada Dry! You might not succeed, but it *__is* fun trying.
Climbing onto a bar stool, a piece of string asked for a beer.
"Wait a minute. Aren't you a string?"
"Well, yes, I am."
"Sorry. We don't serve strings here."
The determined string left the bar and stopped a passer-by. "Excuse,
me," it said, "would you shred my ends and tie me up like a pretzel?" The
passer-by obliged, and the string re-entered the bar. "May I have a beer,
please?" it asked the bartender.
The barkeep set a beer in front of the string, then suddenly stopped.
"Hey, aren't you the string I just threw out of here?"
"No, I'm a frayed knot."

🌋 🚙 🥞 🚗 🍧 🥒 🏓 🌽 🐛 🚘 💙 💗 💛 🐛 🕺 📗
LouBost 26 juin 2020 à 18h25 

       🌟 Banned by LouBost🌟
      The ONLY ONE working Report.Bot!

        Ban date: 2020-01-20 18:52:19

Necro 15 mars 2018 à 15h27 
para que borras maraco
ANUEL_2BLEA 14 mars 2018 à 18h12 
Aceptame bro! Quiero hablar ♥♥♥ vos de algo.
LouBost 6 mars 2018 à 12h10 
malo qliao, malo ♥♥♥ awp