I sometimes animate wallpaper on wallpaper engine.

Bingus my beloved
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Bingus is love, Bingus is life
Everyone loves Bingus. Nobody doesn’t love Bingus. Those who pretend to hate Bingus are secretly afraid of how much they love Bingus. Bingus will never stopped being loved by us all. None of us will ever choose to stop loving Bingus because we all love Bingus. We are born loving Bingus and die loving Bingus. We love Bingus before we even know Bingus. We actually fear death because we fear Bingus might not be there. We haven’t realized yet that Bingus is everywhere. Every particle of reality loves Bingus. So in whatever form we take, we continue loving Bingus; and Bingus will be loved. Love for Bingus is all that’s left, It’s all we’ve ever truly had, And it’s all we’ve ever needed. Bingus, the one and only truth of life.

Evewyone woves Bingus. Nobody doesn’t wove Bingus. Those who pwetend to hate Bingus awe secwetwy afwaid of how much they wove Bingus. Bingus wiww nevew stopped being woved by us aww. None of us wiww evew choose to stop woving Bingus because we aww wove Bingus. We awe bown woving Bingus and die woving Bingus. We wove Bingus befowe we even know Bingus. We actuawwy feaw death because we feaw Bingus might not be thewe. We haven’t weawized yet that Bingus is evewywhewe. Evewy pawticwe of weawity woves Bingus. So in whatevew fowm we take, we continue woving Bingus; and Bingus wiww be woved. Wove fow Bingus is aww that’s weft, It’s aww we’ve evew twuwy had, And it’s aww we’ve evew needed. Bingus, the one and onwy twuth of wife. UwU
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173 h registradas
última sesión: 12 SEP
18,4 h registradas
última sesión: 11 SEP
497 h registradas
última sesión: 5 SEP
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