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9.6 Hours played
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534 Hours played
The thing that you will see all the negative reviews talk about is either toxicity, passiveness or both, and i can honestly not agree more. so why am i still giving it a positive review? its statisfying to play once you get the hang of it. its important not to be overwhelmed or underwhelmed by the moves in this game. Many newcomers will look at it and say: "oh its just bad free Smash Bros. with items always on" or "theres only 2 buttons so there aren´t enough moves for it to be interesting", but where Brawlhalla really shines/lacks (ill go over that in a second) is the movement. additionally to the grounded jump you get 2 mid-air jumps, a dodge that resets every 3 seconds, up to 2 chasedodges (dodge in a direction after hitting an opponent) and a recovery attack. Personally i love how the game is sometimes decided by aireal movement only, as smashes movement feels restricting to me, but all this movement also makes easy for people to just run away from a fight.

One of the Bigger (maybe the biggest) brawlhalla youtubers goes over this in this video: "Bralhallas uniqueness is also its flaw" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZgVflTtAXM )

i highly recommend watching it if you have any interest in the game at all.

Text based toxicity is fairly easy to avoid, as the in post game chat stays closed until you open it, but in game toxicity really has become a problem. Often i will find myself beeing hit by something that seemingly shouldn´t have, and think "that was bull***t", what makes these scenarios even worse, is when they taunt afterwards. but i just see those deaths as me not beeing able to handle a stupid tactic, because in the end, its my fault for not countering/punishing it. punishing may be very hard in this game, given that theres no end-lag to dodges, but this exact difficulty is what makes the game fun to me, because god is it statisfying to 0 to Death someone because you read them like a book.

So like many things in Life, the good things also have a bad side, this goes for almost everything in Brawlhalla.

If your looking for a free smash bros. alternative, dont play Brawlhalla. if your looking for a challenge that will have you question life as a whole, go ahead. The Balancing doesn´t suck as bad as people think, in fact, Brawlhalla is one of the better balanced games, but there still is some very stupid ***t, like "insert any weapon here". every weapon has its haters, with the most commonly hated beeing Lance and Axe (and scythe (and Gauntlets (and spear))). And sometimes it definitly feels like the other person can do whatever they want and still hit you, then kill you in 3 Light attacks, all because of their weapon, but at that point you need to ask yourself: "if its so good, why dont i play it?" the answer to that: "thats right! im not good with it!" So is it really imbalanced? or are you just not able to cope with the weapon? this self consciousness is really important when playing brawlhalla, in order to get better you need see whats a problem to you and then specifically train to overcome it. Always loosing to axe? try playing it yourself to learn what an axe player thinks. Not hitting your combos? go into training and practice them.

Brawlhalla takes a good bit of dedication to learn, it gets frustrating and makes you ragequit more often then you would wish. but when your at the point where you know the game, and how to have your fun with it, it really is a good game.
then again, what do i know, im just a plat Player.

Go give it a shot, its free after all. and If you doubt youll have fun with the Game, wathc some youtube videos of it.
Peter Knolle der AVOKAKADO 17 Jul, 2024 @ 7:38am 
sry für das Geschimmel leider geil der Trade war mies. Ich hatte mich gewunderrt warum du deinen MATe nicht holst aber klar der war ganz TOD