Potet :D 27 gen 2022, ore 7:44 
@NoMad CoolStoryBob
PEOPLE = SНІТ 23 gen 2022, ore 13:31 
♥♥♥♥ talk about KD - noone care about your ♥♥♥♥ lol
BombJJ 31 dic 2021, ore 7:58 
cheating loser
Deadly2Die 28 dic 2021, ore 4:34 
El Pozole 25 dic 2021, ore 1:46 
The amazingest cow back at it again
Caito 22 dic 2021, ore 23:22 
Absolute chad gamer - please sign profile <3
Great Grey Wolf 21 dic 2021, ore 12:01 
Based video.
NessLocker 20 dic 2021, ore 15:40 
can you sign my profil too plz ?
Not Thom4s 13 dic 2021, ore 11:28 
can you sign my profile please?
FilthyFrank 14 nov 2021, ore 19:43 
who tf said my name
craig_bmx57 14 nov 2021, ore 0:25 
owned in hunt
Enakievv 13 nov 2021, ore 9:20 
this guy Unknown just sounded like the guy who play filthy frank on "Loser read haters comments" XD
Aza 10 nov 2021, ore 16:10 
bruh yall arguing on someones steam page lmao like unknowns a clown we get it
CreampieSamurai 10 nov 2021, ore 14:23 
Damn, Unknown, you are so mad and your suggestions to make the game fit more to your own personal definition of "competitive" are complete ass, why don't you spend more time in the game getting good instead of crying all over some guy's page that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on you.
DennisTheAmazingCow 9 nov 2021, ore 6:44 
To say it is not is to have an insanely niche meaning of the word "competitive" that doesn't fit to describe how we even use the word to begin with. A game doesn't have to have the qualifier of having an esports for it to be considered competitive for the reasons above. I find it genuinely hilarious how you claim that I don't understand the meaning of the word "competitive" when your posts show a complete misunderstanding of what the word even means, or how to use it.
DennisTheAmazingCow 9 nov 2021, ore 6:44 
Unknown, You have an insanely misconstrued meaning of the word "competitive". When I use that word in the context of describing a game to be competitive, like saying "hunt is a competitive game" it just refers to the fact that the game has heavy competitive elements (and that they are somewhat central to the core gameplay of the game) the fact that hunt doesn't have just 1 competitive measurement of skill, but 2 (being elo and KD) AND for the fact that the gamemode that you play is in a way a battleroyale is proof for the fact that hunt is a competitive game.
ErasedKarma 8 nov 2021, ore 19:16 
Unknown you're being hella cringe bro. Calm. Breathe in breathe out. Also cool video on the KDA.
JoeKing 7 nov 2021, ore 10:13 
Imagine that his profile is private, nice Unknown you sure know how to suck a ♥♥♥♥ and not stand up to your word
JoeKing 7 nov 2021, ore 10:11 
Wow that unknown guy is a real big c o c k sucker. Great video on your kd by the way that changes my outlook on the Kill Death ratio a lot!
Dripsy 7 nov 2021, ore 1:35 
sign my profile please
Unknown 6 nov 2021, ore 16:52 
im insulting you cuz u deserve it. behave in-game and be nice and u wont have bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥ on your profile u idiot.

second, again, u dont know nothing about competitive esports. you just repeat a word from the dictionary which has ofc larger meaning by itself. but in this particular case, you cant understand it because you dont know how esports works. but for you education esport= competitive. as long you cant make a single viable championship it wont work. Hunt had some trash contests in the past, and im ashamed even to mantion them, was a fk1n mess.

Again make the difference between "competitive" as a usual word, and "competitive game" in his strict, official way, as esports and sports, in general, explain it and define it.

Again, you would have known this if you wouldnt be so, how to call it, just a "hunt gamer"... ofc you are just a hunt player... bleah... pathetic. at least stop using the word "competitive" like you know what you talkin about cuz u dont.
DennisTheAmazingCow 6 nov 2021, ore 6:25 
Also guns isn't a whole lot better then me the way you describe it, so it's not a good argument to somehow prove that I'm wrong aswell as not taking into consideration that just because someone is good at the game doesn't mean that they automatically have an authority over what the game is and what it is not, they have to demonstrate that by means of argumentation. You using him as an authority figure in this case is a really bad argument.
DennisTheAmazingCow 6 nov 2021, ore 6:25 
When I say "competitive" I'm not referring to some "esports lvl of competitivness" Since I could never see this game go on that lvl because of hunts overall game design. This however does not mean it's not competitive. By virtue of hunt being an FPS game (First person shooter) It's automatically going to be a competitive game, because people want to rank themselves over one another to see who is a better player, this is always going to be true of FPS games to a certain degree, so to say that hunt is not competitive at all is just a complete miss-understanding of what type of game hunt is, or a misconstrued understanding of the word "competitiveness" in this context. Hunt even has a way of ranking players against one another which also proves my point, KD is a competitive measurement of skill, and so is a elo system. So you saying it's not competitive is just a laughably stupid statement.
DennisTheAmazingCow 6 nov 2021, ore 6:23 
Ok so I specifically asked you to adress what point you disagree with me on so that we can sort it out, but it's hard to see when the majority of the ♥♥♥♥ you write is just a bunch of insults/ad-homs to somehow prove that you're right. But I would assume the main problem you have is my take on hunt being a competitive game, which it is... For a conversation to work when it comes down to debating or arguing over if it is or if it is not, you first have to be clear in understanding what the word competitive means.
Unknown 6 nov 2021, ore 4:48 
add me on your real profile, i want to defecate on that too. multiple times.
Unknown 6 nov 2021, ore 4:47 
sorry, i wanted to say mini-cow. apes are a bit higher on evolution scale. u are stupid as that cow from your real profile, no bs! at least u are right in this context! or ♥♥♥♥.... maybe u suffer from boanthropy... damn, i feel sorry for you
Unknown 6 nov 2021, ore 4:42 
omfg 0 IQ uneducated ape. thats why this world is going to ♥♥♥♥ because ignorant r3tards like you! who cares if u got 4k hours? who gives a f1ck about your analyze?i dont need to be rational when i say "hunt is not competitive" cuz its a FK!N FACT! no need for backup when is allready been proven u degenerate. why dont you understand it doesnt fall in the category of COMPETITIVE ESPORT!?!?!?!!

guns is 1000x better than you so sit down dog! he is a god and u are a mutt! and he explained so clearly why this ♥♥♥♥ game cant be a real comp and cant be in esport scene. so simple.

my profile is private cuz i dont want you to see my onlyfans links with me and your mom

now fk off mini-ape, u make puke with your stupidity.
Potet :D 6 nov 2021, ore 4:24 
Why the ♥♥♥♥ would I ask guns for anything related to balancing in the game when he's made really bad points and takes in the past, I can agree with him on some things but not a whole lot. I don't follow any point any streamer makes and use my own cus of my own experience, I got 4k hours in the game and I try to analyze the game the best way I can and have solid ground for what I stand for or believe in. If you disagree with any major thing I've said, then make an argument for why you think I'm wrong, saying ♥♥♥♥ like "I've got no clue what I'm talking about" is a pointless statement if you can't back it up, if you really think you're a rational individual then prove it.
Also, why in the ♥♥♥♥ do you have your prof on private? If you're gonna ♥♥♥♥ talk others then atleast have the decency to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ show yourself.
Unknown 5 nov 2021, ore 17:18 
nah u cant. ask gunsmack about comp pew-pew if u like so much to be twitchers trinket. maybe u will learn something. till then, again, u dont have a single fk1n idea what u talkin about.
Potet :D 5 nov 2021, ore 16:33 
Unknown I could say the same about you :)
1+1 4 nov 2021, ore 18:18 
ты дебил? какое 26кд
Dripsy 3 nov 2021, ore 16:32 
sign my profile
Unknown 3 nov 2021, ore 10:15 
i read what you wrote months ago, you are stupid AF, sorry dude, learn more about competitve shooters. till then u are just a trash talker.
FenrisWolf 2 nov 2021, ore 5:43 
the coments are gold
211 187 17 ott 2021, ore 15:59 
TyrannMisu 15 ott 2021, ore 10:46 
Good educational vid for the Noobs getting impressed by k/d. Too many c*nts are worrying about their k/d nowadays. Playing passive out of ego, instead of enjoying the game. Some even leave their buddies burning and extract, instead of reviving their teammates. Most of those cowards are French though and you can't really blame them.
Blumän 13 ott 2021, ore 17:44 
nice vod 100% true
[GHOST] SateMan92 13 ott 2021, ore 11:36 
mr loo, what his video
Proton Decay 11 ott 2021, ore 14:14 
K.D rats
Mr. Loo 6 ott 2021, ore 10:22 
you bought another account to get a better kda. is this how you make yourself feel good? if so, you need some help. there are probably hotlines you can call or some ♥♥♥♥.
Auzy 5 ott 2021, ore 11:06 
Good video. Thanks!
RaVeN 4 ott 2021, ore 18:24 
nice vid
SPONGEBOB *****ROLLERPANTS 1 ott 2021, ore 23:36 
lolol nice
ItalianThug 30 set 2021, ore 0:07 
26.50 lmao
Allen Collins 24 set 2021, ore 7:45 
Vaulter Wide 22 set 2021, ore 23:58 
when I get paired with high KD teammates, usually i die. They do exactly what you described, playing for picks and running from engagements, leaving you for dead to protect their precious stats
Punkid 22 set 2021, ore 12:54 
[GHOST] SateMan92 21 set 2021, ore 10:41 
well said
ChrisCox 21 set 2021, ore 7:37 
+rep Well said!
Zelnick 20 set 2021, ore 14:58 
when I get paired with high KD teammates, usually i die. They do exactly what you described, playing for picks and running from engagements, leaving you for dead to protect their precious stats