Trevor Ellingsen   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Create Unique Memories often <3
George Hard “R” Martin 2021年3月31日 19時18分 
I've been thinking about constwucting an appawatus fow fawt hawvesting. My idea is to open a pub and have a speciaw fawt menu fuww of things wike baked beans and cabbage and so fowth. Customews can then use the fawt hawvestew to cowwect theiw fawts, measuwe the vowume, set them on fiwe etc..

I think having something you actuawwy stick up youw awse is pwobabwy a bit too invasive fow the avewage puntew so I was thinking mowe of some kind of watew tank that you wouwd sit in with a funnew that wouwd steew the fawts into anothew tank whewe they couwd be measuwed and so fowth.

Obviouswy this wouwd westwict fawt hawvesting to sunny days and it wouwd be a summewtime pwomotion.

I can see it becoming quite competetive. You couwd have spot pwizes and maybe even some kind of weague.

I've been to embawwassed to teww anyone IWW about my business idea so if anyone has any feedback ow fawt hawvestew design ideas I wouwd gweatwy appweciate it.
George Hard “R” Martin 2020年6月26日 10時30分 
+rep plays animal crossing without the blood and gore setting disabled