Thicc Shiba
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Simo 16 Sep, 2021 @ 12:24pm 
hai problemi in inglese:you have problems.
Pier Ferdinando Casini 19 Apr, 2021 @ 10:35am 
Never met a more based individual than this guy here. He rejected all attempts of liberalization or privatisation. I think he may be a covert communist spy trying to subvert law and order on the british islands by climbing the ranks of the damned Labour Party and collectivazing all industrial plants of Britain. For all of what is sacred in the British Empire and for Her Majesty's Sake, please, keep yourself and your possesions away from this communist. Long live Britain! God Save the Queen!
BASTER9400 MD 3 Feb, 2021 @ 9:19am 
Costui opera in un traffico internazionale di noci di cocco con un utile pari al PIL dell'Eritrea. Signore della guerra in Congo provocando migliaia di morti di armeni all'anno. il suo operato è sorvegliato dalle forze speciali napoletane, le quali muoiono durante gli inseguimenti con le moto (mancanza di casco).
He operates in an international trade of coconuts with a profit equal to the GDP of Eritrea. Warlord in Congo causing thousands of Armenian deaths per year. his work is supervised by the Neapolitan special forces, who die during chases with motorcycles (lack of helmet).
a table 20 Dec, 2020 @ 9:38am 
- rep, lascia la comper per mangiare un salame
Flotation Device 27 Jan, 2019 @ 8:40am 
ha uno strano feticismo per la dittatura io lo terrei d'occhio