
Monster の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:13.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:11.7時間)
Target for Tonight, a wonder lancaster, she went through thick and thin, her crew always with her in the darkest of hours. Thirty Missions in she is still a flying tank, or so I thought. Operation Hydra. We went in, flew through a flak feild, taking minimal damages as we fought of fighters from all directions. Taking many of bullets and a two engine fires she was banged up onto the way to the objective. We got towards the end when she took multiple hits to the fuel tanks causing themto be damaged, ontop of that I mistakenly dropped a bomb on the V2 site. (The marker threw me off). With one wasted and two bombs spent on the objective. She went to return home. Once again under heavy attack. The wings full of holes and the feul tanks exposed, the rear almost severed, the text on the rear barely there, the wings in horrble condition. It took one good strafe to rip the right wing clean off. Down she went, crew and all. I scrambled to get them to get parachutes, due to being at a low altitude, It wasnt fast enough, she nose dived into the water, taking her crew with her. We won't forget you Target for Tonight. Your crew will remain with you forever.

All seriousness, great game.
投稿日 2017年10月20日.
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