
I am a occasional host of events and a regular player of Tactical Shooters, Stealth Games, First Person Shooters, Simulators, and City Builders.

It should be noted that I also occasionally engage in playing games of various genres.
Welcome to my profile.

What I do:

- Play Games.
- Make Artwork
- GameMastering/Event Hosting
- Sleep all the time/Don't Sleep at all (Depends on how I feel tbh)

Genres that I play:

- Tactical Shooters
- Stealth Games
- Survival Games
- City-Building Games
- Real Time Strategy Games
- Sandbox and Creative-Type Games
- Simulators (Generally focused toward military or life simulation)


- Pancakes, Ice Cream and Pizza.

Standard like to have by many, but all so very true.

- Good conversation, especially one on one causal talk.

Love this one, always love being involved and talking about anything and everything generally. Love talking in general, to a fault at times.

- Playing with a small-med group of friends (4-6 people, including me)

Nothing is better than having a small group to play games with, it enables you to play with a sizeable amount of people, while still being able to talk to each other without going deaf.

- Playing in large events with small teams (3-4 people within each team including me)

I don't mind having large events where teams are spilt in order for easier communication, as for me communication with friends and in turn teammates are fairly vital for a enjoyable experience.


- Try-hards/Constantly Competitive People

I understand in ranked competitive in serious matches, but I don't like trying hardcore in Daisy's Muffin Making Simulator.

- Bad-Sports and Overtly Constant Toxic People

Comes with the territory of a try-hard generally, however you can be bad at the game and still be a bad sport. I understand being salty and toxic in matches, (I am certainly no saint, I've been there and done that myself). However a person who is no-stop blaming others without valid or petty reasoning is no person I want to be blamed by.

- Pessimists

Pessimists, where do I begin...

I will define the term of Pessimist as a person who is non-stop negative, only lists the negatives of a situation and will constantly affect game-experiences for me and others through sheer negativity.

One of these things is constant communication of "We can't, SUBJECT A is a big issue and we will never get through during the middle of a match" and then when our team wins, doesn't cheer/celebrate and just lists things that "Could of been done better".

No. just no man.

- The Undisciplined

This last dislike is based on the person generally, as I'm fairly relaxed and can have plenty of laid back moments in games and other scenarios.

It's more of a "Listen to me and the team, don't be a smart-ass and follow what the other team is doing". I don't exactly care if we are mucking around even now and again, as it's in good taste.

However, if you are constantly messing around after you've been trained up and have hours on a game (while the rest of the team is doing something else, like say we are pushing Alpha and you're just laying around and doing nothing), it spoils the mood and also ruins the overall experience as well for everyone.

If you are related or are close to any of my dislikes in any way, don't add/contact me as I wish to not shove my body into a oven after dealing with you .


I hope this gives you an outlook into my profile, the best way to get to know me is to contact me and talk to me, please if you are not involved with any of dislikes be absolutely free to contact me anytime.

Review Showcase
4.1 Hours played
Undetected, a Modern Take on a classic


The graphics and art style are solid, everything in the game's artistic style is fantastic and nothing looks out of place.


The gameplay is excellent, there are a lot of options available to the player but also requires the player to think about how they will use their tools.

The gameplay itself alone is worth getting the game.


The story personally was more of a weakpoint in the series, it did have good lore and backstory but it didn't really have anything that held me captivated to the game.

The story is not too invasive onto the gameplay, so it didn't matter in terms of affecting the gameplay or anything else important.


The game is relatively short, but it felt complete and great experience all the way through. - (Completed in 4hrs on standard difficulty.)


There were a few minor bugs with enemies seeing you in areas that should be possible and strange hitbox issues making CQCing other enemies very difficult at times.

Other than that, everything is well polished.

Summary - 9.9/10

Undetected is an amazing modernized experience based on classic stealth games from the late 90s - early 2000s.

The gameplay and it's options it offers the player, make this game an incredible experience for any stealth genre enjoyer.

While the story & minor bugs are present from time to time, the gameplay dismisses any weakpoints that this game has.

I wholeheartedly recommend this game to any person who enjoys classic stealth games, and encourage any person new to the stealth genre to give this game a go.
Fall3nViking 15 Apr, 2023 @ 2:34am 
Big booty Latina