Zer0 Hour Scripts
To see the Rules, click 'View more info' below.

You have the distinct pleasure of having connected to an adult server, with adult rules. This server is for legit players only, who enjoy a challenge. Read and understand the following rules. Violators will be kicked immediately.

Fair Warning: I will be running a modified map. The enemies will all be badasses and it will be quite challenging. This is no place for the beginning player. Use of cover is key in my maps. If you do not use cover, you are a liability. If you can't figure out how to hide behind a rock, then you have no business playing a first person shooter and you will be kicked.

Badass Rank

I realize Badass Rank is theoretically unlimited. However, running around with 999999% of everything is not only unreasonable, it's just plain stupid.

Notice: I can see your badass rank bonus stats. If any of yours are higher than 35%, you'll be kicked immediately.

Skill Trees

I can see your skill trees as well. If you have more than 68 skill points, you'll be kicked immediately.


Everyone collects ammo. Even if you're an infinite ammo cheatin' dirtbag, you will collect ammo for the team.

You will be a team player. If you think it's above your pay grade to revive others, then I invite you to instead join the most convenient kiddie server. There will be plenty of other zerkers there like yourself.

Running ahead of the team and dying for no reason is a sure sign that you're a moron, and will not be tolerated.

Throwing your trash all over my lobby will get you kicked. Don't do it. Sell it at the machine like a normal person.

Banned Items:

- No Flakker
- No Ahab
- No Lady Fist
- No Sawbar
- No Corrosive weapons
- No Storm
- No Bee
- No Thumper
- No Norfleet
- No Nuke Turrets
- No Modded BAR (Badass Rank) above 35%
- No Modded gear
- Annoying the host (see below)
- No glitches/exploits. The host decides what consist glitches and exploits. Your opinion matters, but it doesn't count. Go host your own game if you don't like it. Tough titty.

The Bee and many launchers kill enemies too quickly. This makes it much more difficult for others to gain a Second Wind.

Enemies reflect everything. Corrosive DOT is the worst. Obviously, it kills. This is the reason corrosive weapons are not allowed.

The Storm, Nuke Turrets and similar things cause giant, blinding flashes and shake the screen. When used, other players can't see ♥♥♥♥. Don't use them.

The Flame of the Firehawk shield is an integral part of one of Krieg's builds and is allowed, if I am hosting a map which is out of doors.


- Rocket jumping like a 2 year old.
- Tapping your spacebar repeatedly for no friggin' reason.
- Shooting your weapons in lobby like a hyperactive 4th grader.
- Dueling. This is very distracting while a round is in progress.
- Whining about the rules.

Inform the host whether you have read and agree to all of the above. If you don't agree with the rules, cannot comply with them, or find yourself too juvenile or stupid to comprehend it all, then leave. There are many zerkers out there just like you. Go play with them.
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