Corpse Fucker
An explosive munition can be made from fertilizer grade ammonium nitrate and either fuel oil or a mixture of equal parts of motor oil and gasoline. When Properly prepared, this explosive munition can be deto-nated with a blasting cap.
Ammonium nitrate (not less then 32% nitrogen) Fuel oil or gaeoline and motor oil (1:1 ratio) Two flat board.. (At lead[ one of these should be comfortably held in the hand, i.e. 2 x 4 and 36 x 36.) Bucket or other container for minion legiedieeta Iron or steel pipe or bottle, tin can or heavy-walled cardboard tube Blasting cap Wooden rod - 1/4 in. diameter spoon or similar measuring container
1. Spread a handftd of the ammo- nium nitrate on the large flat board and rub vigorously with the other board until the large particles are crushed into a very fine powder that looks like flour (approx. 10 min).

NOTE: Proceed with Step 2 as soon as possible since the powder may take moisture from the air and become spoiled.
2. Mix one measure (cup, table-spoon, etc.) of fuel oil with 16 measures of the finely ground ammo-nium nitrate in a dry bucket or other suitable container and stir with the wooden rod. If fuel oil is not avail-able, use one half measure of gasoline and one half measure of motor oil. Store in a waterproof container until ready to use.
3. Spoon this mixture into an Iron or steel pipe which has an end cap threaded on one end. If a pipe is not available, you may use a dry tin can, a glass jar or a heavy-walled cardboard tube.

NOTE: Take care not to tamp or shake the mixture in the pipe. If mix-ture becomes tightly packed, one cap will not he sufficient to initiate the explosive.
4. Insert blasting cap Just beneath the surface of the explosive mix.

NOTE: Confining the open end of the container will add to the effective-ness of the explosive.
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VueeNx 28 mars 2023 à 15h05 
“Ne diyorsun ulan sen. Ağzını topla, ağzını. Kim söyledi sana mafya olduğumu? Ben mafya değilim. Hiç bir zaman olmadım. Benim arkamda polis yoktu, milletvekilim yoktu. Ben ne uyuşturucu, ne silah, ne fahişe sattım. Ben işimi tek başıma gördüm. Düşmanlarımla tek başıma hesaplaştım. Ve yaptığım her şeyin bedelini ödedim.”
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