Unteroffizier Eckhertz   Hamburg, Germany
magical fairy shows up
says i can have any gun i want
devilish grin appears on my face
fairy rolls its eyes and flicks wand
marvel of German engineering apears in my backyard
also appears in neighbour Gary's yard
♥♥♥♥ you Gary, i dare you to say something about this
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Gary
wonder what i should shoot GUSTAV at
suddenly it dawns on me
the communist kid in the next town
manage to ignore my endless erection long enough to have a rough idea on how to load it
spend next 10 days getting it ready to fire
aimed at commie/antifa house
and his stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ truck
this gon be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loud
double up on earpro because i'm a gear queer
FEUER!! entire neighbourhood shakes
every window shatters
pretty sure that crack den down the street just exploded too
this going to be on the richter scale
look in general direction of commie house
flash and black smoke on edge of horizon
several secs later, sounds like a thunder clap
can hear sirens, they dont know where to go
ppl 5 miles away reported a gunshot
ppl 3 miles away reported an explosion
i leveled his entire neighbourhood though
cops were scared it was nuclear
surely he must be dead
turns out commie was at work.....
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ commies man
prepare next shot.
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