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Análises recentes de Nik.exe

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44.8 hrs em registo (4.2 horas no momento da análise)
Better than Counter-Strike 2!
Jokes aside, it is a Godsent to have SFH REMADE!!! on Steam!
A simple port of the original Flash game would have sufficed, but Justin & Mike went out of their way to remake the entire game from scratch - graphics, story, animated cutscenes, extra weapons & outfits to unlock among a plethora of other remade, improved or outright newly introduced features!
Lots of respect, and a genuine "Thank You!" for all of your hard work over the years on this remake - been following progress closely for nearly 3 years on Reddit & YouTube before the release, and suffice to say - this is my first, so far best purchase of a game right after release.

The Deluxe Edition is worth every Euro cent I spent on it!

RAZE, Last Stand & a plethora of other Flash games were once a part of my life during my high school years, although SFH was the game I played the majority of the time - I cannot count the amount of boring, tedious & annoying Computer Technology classes I've skipped by playing Strike Force Heroes along with the other infamous, now regarded as "cult classic" Flash browser games.

The remake of SFH by far is the best Flash game port on Steam out there, nothing else is even close.
(perhaps Intrusion 2 coming in at №2 for me personally)

From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely hope we get to see other SKY9 IPs like RAZE ported to Steam in the future!

Publicado a 11 de novembro de 2023.
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7.1 hrs em registo (2.5 horas no momento da análise)
The Zombified Dogs in Waves of Rotting Flesh are actually scarier than the Cerberus from RE1!

Jokes aside, if we ignore that the game doesn't have a pause function, and it doesn't offer any checkpoints / save progression
for Standard mode - I would say the game's pretty decent, especially when you take its price into consideration.

There are 6 enemy types, 2 of which are intertwined - the Alien Spider parasites and their Zombified Screamer carriers.
(A downside of the standard Zombies is the fact there are only 2 variants - your typical looking Zombies, and Skeletal Zombies.)

The game features a Standard / Story mode consisting of 10 in-game days, and a couple of Endless gamemodes.
The progression system allows you to unlock 2 weapons at once with each passing day, or unlock a weapon & upgrade the hero's stats once.
There's a decent variety of weapons in the game, although you can go full-on Abraham Ford mode once you get the M16, and beat the game easily. You might lose some health in the process, but it's unlikely you'll die - like I mentioned before, there are no checkpoints or saves, so once you die, your progress gets reset, and you go all the way back to the first day.

Do keep in mind this review was written at a time in which I haven't tried out any of the Endless modes, so far I have only beaten the Standard mode.
Get the game, especially if you're trying to kill a few hours with a visually unique-looking First-Person Zombie Shooter.
Publicado a 12 de junho de 2023.
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0.7 hrs em registo (0.1 horas no momento da análise)

You know we certainly live in interesting times when a game worth less than a €, a MEME game that doesn't even take itself seriously outclasses almost all 2023 game releases so far...
We have to make sure that DR LIVESEY ROM AND DEATH EDITION will win Steam's 2023 Game of the Year award!

21.11.2023 Edit :
Like I promised a few months ago, I nominated DRLRADE for the GotY Award!
Publicado a 18 de maio de 2023. Última alteração: 21 de novembro de 2023.
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0.1 hrs em registo
*The Last Stand Legacy Collection flashbacks*

Deadly 30 does not feature native Fullscreen support, and it won't go higher than 1366x768 in Windowed mode.
You have to download external software to get the game to work with proper Fullscreen and resolutions higher than 1366x768, or you're stuck with "Fullscreen" capped at 1366x768 and glitched out borders.
Steam ports of other Flash titles dating as far back as 2012 have done a far better job when it comes to adding basic features, and perform better than Deadly 30 FPS wise.

Unfortunately, I'll have to refund the game even though I purchased it on a sale yesterday for just 0.99€.
I DO NOT recommend the game for less than a €, let alone full price, at least not in its current state. If the game receives a proper update that addresses the issues I mentioned above, I'll edit my review accordingly and repurchase the game.
Publicado a 15 de maio de 2023.
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110.7 hrs em registo (50.1 horas no momento da análise)
This can’t be good for me, but I feel GREAT!
Publicado a 3 de janeiro de 2023. Última alteração: 14 de janeiro de 2023.
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3.3 hrs em registo (3.0 horas no momento da análise)
I have doubts about recommending this because there's the possibility of me ending up in my government's watch list.
Publicado a 20 de dezembro de 2022.
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476.5 hrs em registo (80.2 horas no momento da análise)
SHEVA! (x2)
COME ON! (x3)
HURRY! (x2)

Roger Craig Smith yells like a sigma!
Publicado a 24 de novembro de 2022. Última alteração: 22 de janeiro de 2023.
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14.8 hrs em registo (11.0 horas no momento da análise)
Simply one of the best games that existed during the Flash era, maybe it was the dumb 1680x1050 home monitor I had years ago or the bunch of garbage school computer monitors I've went through, but I cannot recall the game looking so good before, especially on 1920x1080 in 2022! I'm sure there must've been some graphical improvements for this Steam port, shame on me for discovering it December last year :(

The game is a complete steal for its regular price so you
should definitely get it!
I am honestly excited to see what else can Not Doppler
bring back in the future!
Publicado a 15 de maio de 2022. Última alteração: 15 de maio de 2022.
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2,855.3 hrs em registo (440.3 horas no momento da análise)
I'm Making a Note Here, Huge Success!

Probably the best game I've ever played in the last 14 years, it is a great experience...

Couldn't have achieved anything in Killing Floor be it a better understanding of the in-game mechanics, more knowledge regarding the technical side of things, better team cooperation or Steam achievements if it wasn't for zaoth, TISHINAxSUKI and WalkingDead. God bless you three, and I wish you the best!
Publicado a 24 de março de 2022.
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0.0 hrs em registo
For all the people complaining about prices, 1 - don't forget ONE WEAPON costs 10+ $ now, and 2 - there are always sales you can snipe games and DLCs from.
Best DLC released for Killing Floor, I find myself using most of the weapons way too often, it offers new ways to experience mayhem and Zed destruction, totally worth it.
Publicado a 22 de fevereiro de 2022. Última alteração: 24 de fevereiro de 2022.
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