Information saknas.
Timmar spelade
flying billy boy
Senaste aktiviteterna
1 120 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 19 jul
8,1 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 18 jul
10 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 18 jul
Prestationsförlopp   114 av 193
che 24 jun @ 22:45 
-rep weeb -rep anime pfp
che 24 jun @ 1:44 
♥♥♥♥ this guy. This dude aint do a SINGLE gen. Like seriously guys like this dude need to get banned ASAP. I have had enough with these foolish players Behavior :GDHarder: I expect better... Behavior how am i high tier mmr getting these types of players in my lobby? WTF! -rep Dude is G@Y! and likes Little girls AND boys:GDHarder:
BigpapiBaker 18 jun @ 8:46 
dont play with this guy. He does NO gens NO objectives and doesnt Save from hook. -Rep Likes little GIRLS
Zkyui 17 jun @ 8:22 
dont play with this guy. He does NO gens NO objectives and doesnt Save from hook. -Rep Likes little GIRLS
che 26 maj @ 18:58 
dont play with this guy. He does NO gens NO objectives and doesnt Save from hook. -Rep Likes little GIRLS
Uriel 9 nov, 2023 @ 2:58 
he cured cancer, got rid of world hunger and homelessness. man is a saint Ong