Kyoto, Japan
Boku wo mite! Boku wo mite! Boku no naka no kaibutsu ga konnani ookikunattayo!
:Mayuri::Kurisu: There is no end though there is a start in space. — Infinity.
It has own power, it ruins, and it goes though there is a start also in the star. — Finite.
Only the person who was wisdom can read the most foolish one from the history.
The fish that lives in the sea doesn't know the world in the land. It also ruins and goes if they have wisdom.
It is funnier that man exceeds the speed of light than fish start living in the land.
It can be said that this is an final ultimatum from the god to the people who can fight.
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866 hrs on record
last played on 13 May
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AceEchelon 12 May @ 12:57pm 
Weekend may be over but new week is starting now with new opportunities <3

Check my new article about PCIE connectors in your pc!


Thank you for all support and gifts! <3
AceEchelon 11 May @ 12:41pm 
"I have never taken any exercise, except sleeping and resting, and I never intend to take any." -- Mark Twain
AceEchelon 8 May @ 12:26pm 
“No matter what, nobody can take away the dances you've already had.” - Gabriel García Márquez

Feeling like return to oldschool dance of bullets? Check my article on my blog about some classic NES game i love:


Have a great week and thx for support! <3
~~𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴~~
AceEchelon 2 May @ 4:06am 
Have a colorful and cheerful day!


Alot sun and cold drinks too :>
AceEchelon 28 Apr @ 1:50am 
Have a good weekend! Wishing you a great time and relax.

Check my new short article about ray tracing!


Thank you for all your support and kind words in comments <3