Unseen 22 Feb @ 1:09pm 
Ok thanks I'll look that up.
Purge this city 22 Feb @ 10:26am 
You can buy the fire frame from stram point store
Unseen 2 Feb @ 1:44pm 
That looks ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome don't wanna watch this trailer anymore cause spoilers.
Hyperchaotic 2 Feb @ 1:24pm 
Check HROT also, it got solid chasm the rift vibe
Unseen 2 Feb @ 1:20pm 
I kinda just take my time on games play different stuff if I like it I'll try and beat it, bloods great but I'm stumped on that spare parts level gonna have to watch a walkthrough on ytube i guess. Trying to finish the quake 2 remaster, and just got quake 4. After those I'm really interested in stalker.
Unseen 2 Feb @ 1:16pm 
Ok maybe I'll look into it, don't usually watch game reviews but if its about chasm the rift I might. The game is really ahead of its time, I didn't think those kinda death animations were possible back then.
Hyperchaotic 2 Feb @ 1:15pm 
No but i saw civvie11's review on it, go check it too, it is a very funny game
Unseen 2 Feb @ 1:06pm 
Thanks btw it looks like you're into shooters, have you played a game called chasm the rift? Damn good unappreciated classic you should check out.
Hyperchaotic 2 Feb @ 12:25pm 
You are a man of good taste
Mudaras 10 Jan @ 7:56am 
oh, okay, thank you
Unseen 10 Jan @ 7:54am 
Yea I didn't notice a change in that either but it apparently works for some. All I can really do is lower field of view and some other things. But game plays ok, its just the damn plague that slows it down a lot. I really hope they optimize it more with the bachelor if that ever comes out.
Mudaras 10 Jan @ 7:51am 
thanks, but i mean that guide where you need to change min and max memory and one more thing, it didnt worked for me, but i saw you on comments below guide
Unseen 10 Jan @ 7:47am It is a 2019 game so it can run badly depending on the software so I can't promise these will work on my guide or anyone elses. Hope you get your game stabilized its an amazing game.
Unseen 10 Jan @ 7:41am 
I wish I knew myself honestly but I have a guide about the configuration options. It also has some links to other guides about optimization.
Mudaras 10 Jan @ 7:25am 
hi, can you please help with pathologic 2 optimization?
LORDDEREX (Beta) 1 Jan @ 2:40am 
Happy new year! 2024!
Unseen 19 Nov, 2023 @ 11:20pm 
Sure man it’s really hard even on easiest setting with fettel.
Kaluguin 19 Nov, 2023 @ 1:15pm 
Hi there, I saw your post on the F.E.A.R 3 forum about the coop achievements. Are you still interested? Add me if you are.
Unseen 17 Nov, 2023 @ 5:24am 
Thanks for posting your opinion without trash talk or insults which I'm use to on steam. We all got opinions and you are welcome to yours. 0 had some good enemy additions and I love rebecca as a character but maybe she was just cut off from contact. In re1 wasn't she basically hiding in a room surrounded by zombies and a crazed crimson head running around? Regardless RE's storyline isn't a masterpiece or nothing very few games are, many games are full of plotholes. I actually haven't beat veronica but I'm working on it now. Its kinda ridiculous to me how claire rambos an entire team, then falls on her butt cause of one zombie. Uh, it said this was months after raccoon city. She started raccoon city in a mass zombie infection. Literally dozens of them everywhere and she goes through them unflinching just like a typical game beast. Hell jill and chris showed more shock than claire and leon did, then months later a zombie makes her fall down after she kills about a dozen guys?
VenturousGamer 17 Nov, 2023 @ 5:09am 
In less than 1000 characters, this is my response to your comments.

Resident Evil Zero isn't enjoyable because it actively forces players to utilize teamwork, and character swapping, across numerous puzzles and enemy encounters, with limited inventory space, no item boxes and backtracking that makes Code: Veronica's seem simpler. Its difficulty settings are also rigged because enemies are unbelievably tougher and annoying if you're not playing on its easiest mode.

The storytelling is weird because it's supposed to "explain" the T-virus outbreak, suggesting Marcus and his leeches were responsible, but feels totally rushed and random without any meaningful impact. Also, Wesker and Birkin were heavily underutilized as they're somehow connected to that and the Raccoon City outbreak. Lastly, oddly enough, Rebecca never sends distress calls prior to finding the Spencer Mansion even knowing it could potentially save her teammates.

In conclusion, this "prequel" is useless and failed.
Unseen 29 Oct, 2023 @ 10:04am 
Yea the first game was one of the first steam games I downloaded. Its a great game but the second one improved on everything. It actually feels like a game locked inside a visual novel.
CtenosaurOaxacana 29 Oct, 2023 @ 9:52am 
Thanks for the recommendation! I've seen it before but haven't gotten around to playing it.
Added the free 1st game to my library.
Unseen 29 Oct, 2023 @ 12:40am 
You too
Unseen 29 Oct, 2023 @ 12:40am 
Oh and I don't support censorship I think people should censor themselves. People should have more common sense and their own dignity to want to avoid sick trash where you mutilate people for fun who aint killers or frickin demons.

You wanna play a good visual novel series with strong females check out the disturbed series. While the 1st one only has one male character, the sequel has about 3 different females, all of them far from weak and are major thorns in the badguys side.
Awesome game one of my favs on steam.
CtenosaurOaxacana 29 Oct, 2023 @ 12:39am 
Yeah it's a whole lot of toxic bad stuff that not enough people are reflecting on properly. There's nothing wrong with dark or edgy games, I think they have to be self-aware of what they're portraying though, not just be awful for the sake of being awful. That being said, I have enjoyed our conversation but I gotta try to relax for the rest of tonight and not dwell on this bad stuff
Take care of yourself and be well!
Unseen 29 Oct, 2023 @ 12:36am

I just felt like according to the trailer and title that it was another, be a man don't trust a skirt talking point. Even tho dudes are the ones ordering us to die, for wars or a great manner of other psychotic and nationalistic agendas. I never had no woman beat me up, or sucker punch me some were nicer than others but never felt my life threatened by a woman. You wanna see an example of what I'm talking about with this new torture genre check out the link I posted. I don't get it, how torture is something people now get entertainment off of, these money hungry companies selling basically dahmers dream, are going to feed a lot of violent crime just watch and they act like they don't.
CtenosaurOaxacana 29 Oct, 2023 @ 12:35am 
Anyway, I do feel better now having put a bunch of dumb dudes in their place. It has made me feel better for sure. Regardless, I hope you have a happy Halloween!
CtenosaurOaxacana 29 Oct, 2023 @ 12:20am 
Honestly I even ended up starting a whole new thread elsewhere condemning toxic male attitudes. And yeah, supposedly that game kinda condemns the very stuff displayed in the trailer, but there's enough gross mindless 'snuff porn' out there that I don't think its trailer did itself any favors.
Unseen 29 Oct, 2023 @ 12:09am 
And I'm not really sure what that games about I know one thing it looks overpriced and judging from the title and trailer it looks like a snuff game.
Unseen 29 Oct, 2023 @ 12:07am 
Yea I unsubscribe cause its all the same people with the same agendas (hate agendas) you're not gonna get through to those people. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't speak your mind. That dude bringing up socialism and politics and how a female represents weakness or whatever the hell he was talking about, is just more paranoid fringe garbage which is nonstop on steam. Basically people who want to paint badguys, while ignoring the real bad in the world. And the thing I hate about that game besides the obnoxious narrator and how stupid it looks, is the same eve agenda women are all treacherous and if you can't kill/hit/be a prick to women you must be weak nonsense. Its like this everywhere not just gaming many men are convinced women are the worlds evils. As well as many other groups besides them. And I don't remove comments unless its pointless name calling that I don't need moderators looking at.
CtenosaurOaxacana 28 Oct, 2023 @ 11:59pm 
Well said, I agree with your insightful commentary. Certainly food for thought. And to be specific, I was talking about the trailer for Slay the Princess, specifically. Even if the game is deeper than it looked on the surface, that trailer was pretty chilling and gross, making the violence seem 'justified'. Ended up arguing on that thread about why it was off-putting, to say the least.
Unseen 28 Oct, 2023 @ 10:24pm 
But I'm not singling out gamers humanities always been violent and sadistic. In usa in every highschool we go to games and watch our own sons break bones for the amusement of violent men. And to sell the beer industry. And that's their family watching them get broken, same with rodeos, same with 20 year old co eds playin around with killer whales for fun. This nation cannot claim morality, when it watches bloodsports directed at young men and women. And other nations, least they got the desperation excuse. But all those dictators, and public executions, religious wars constantly. Yea they ain't in no position to judge the west or usa. They are just as rabid. Until humanity realizes violence only puts us in the ground and sets prison terms, nothing in this worlds gonna get better, it could, but its their fault. They refuse to make it better.
Unseen 28 Oct, 2023 @ 10:19pm 
Everyone who lives suffers there is no got it easy cause we all die one day. Even the people who do got it easy, just gonna make it even worse when its time to die and fade away from this world. But it sure sucks living on this planet, knowing you're gonna die one day but having to share the planet with people who like speeding up the process in bloody ways. I shoot things in games, I see pix elated blood and gore and it don't bug me much. Strong horror games don't bug me much. Whatever trailer you're talking about I'm not sure cause steams got a lot of torture trash sims lately. Ones where you torture women, men, probably even kids I don't look into it all that deeply. In fact it makes me very angry when I see games devoted to torturing people, usually innocent people for no frickin reason at all cept edgy.
Pro-Soldier 28 Oct, 2023 @ 9:42pm 
CtenosaurOaxacana 28 Oct, 2023 @ 9:41pm 
(being considerate and aware of *your* suffering I meant, but in general too)
CtenosaurOaxacana 28 Oct, 2023 @ 9:39pm 
Hey, I'm sorry for resorting to posting this on your profile,
you're welcome to delete after reading if it's too awkward.
But I just want to let you know that you are 'Seen'.

You have every right to be disgusted by that gross trailer from that particular game.
It's not your responsibility to react like a perfect angel if something triggers you badly.
But it is the responsibility of others to be considerate and aware of the suffering of others.
Unseen 20 Sep, 2023 @ 8:46am 
Yea I also like helping people with games I found interesting since some of them have spots that can be confusing but overall great games. Also some of the setup guides are a requirement on pc.
erc 19 Sep, 2023 @ 10:32pm 
Hey there! Thanks for the all-around comments and the compliment! Creating guides surely takes time and effort, but I think it satisfies the creative urge. :isitcoffee:
IceMan 9 Jun, 2023 @ 7:09am 
thanks for being alive. much care and appreciation for you. cheers
Unseen 8 Jun, 2023 @ 6:23am 
Bughunt whenever man I feel like shooting alien roaches.
IceMan 30 May, 2023 @ 2:09pm 
do u still play acm
Unseen 30 May, 2023 @ 2:02pm 
Was just clearing the list was nothing personal thanks for caring I don’t play online shooters much.
IceMan 30 May, 2023 @ 6:46am 
why u unfriend me
Unseen 15 May, 2023 @ 10:38pm 
Oh I see a comment I posted many months ago about the Z I meant no offense man I just thought you liked dragon ball z that is what it stood for right? My apologies. Dragon dragon, rock the dragon, dragon ball z!
samplexample 15 May, 2023 @ 8:19pm 
-rep low iq, no emotional control
Sauriel 23 Dec, 2022 @ 3:56am 
Merry christmas xD
Unseen 19 Dec, 2022 @ 6:47am 
Cool its a great strategy game.
Woad2Isles(Ravire) 18 Dec, 2022 @ 11:47am 
added for halo wars
Unseen 14 Nov, 2022 @ 10:36am 
Momo (motherbird) is a joke and all these kids forcing the creator to burn her… how sad a work of art is lost to the world :steamsad:
Mustachious 14 Nov, 2022 @ 8:58am 
profile pic. it's too spoopy for me D: