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Senaste recensioner av The Deaf Guy

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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
19.7 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
It's a pretty interesting mix of games, like Battlefield, Rainbow Six Siege, etc. It can be fun, but also competitive and toxic at times, but that doesn't overshadow the gameplay at all. If you die you can just hop back into another gunfight, so the game can be really face paced if you're near where the action is, or it can be a bit slower if you hang back as a sniper and play cautiously. Overall 8/10
Upplagd 27 november 2023.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
415.4 timmar totalt
The game takes years to grind, and Gaijin only wants to make it worse, I hope this negative review provides proper feedback to push the game in a more meaningful directions for the players, not the company's wallet
Upplagd 25 maj 2023.
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78.2 timmar totalt (4.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Do you like death? Do you not like death? Well lemme tell you about all the times I've killed myself in this game

I burnt myself to a crisp after being a discount arsonist.
I touched a steel beam with a little electrical wand, not realising it could be more than just a light source
I bathed myself in acid not realising it was acid and not water in my flask
I went diving in oil, then shot a fireball to shoot an enemy, resulting in an even bigger fireball
I shot a saw at an enemy, which promptly bounced off an already dead enemy's body, and right into my face
I got turned into a flying sheep, hid in the corner, until a flying acidic enemy chased me, so I ran down a narrow hall way avoiding being shot. The solution to not being shot? Kill yourself with acid
I attempted close quarters combat with high explosives (4/10 more pain then fun)
I drank a massive barrel of whisky, survived the alcohol poisoning, then proceeded to drown in my own vomit trying to drink every last drop.
I stood too close to exploding crystals (not the fun kind either)
I stood too close to exploding mushrooms (possibly the fun kind, died before I got a taste)
I tried getting over a lava lake by turning myself into a flying sheep, not realising flying sheep only fly for 5 seconds, quickly turned into cooked mutton
I played soccer with a barrel filled with explosive material, goblin with a shotgun shot at me, missed, and hit the barrel instead.

10/10 Death has never been so fun
Upplagd 18 februari 2021.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
7.7 timmar totalt
This seems like more of a Mobile Game, you'll get 20 hours out of it at most and that's if you try and complete the little message at the end
Upplagd 13 februari 2021.
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4.4 timmar totalt
Overall, its 6/10, its fun for a little bit but gets incredibly repetitive once you know what you're doing
Also the Devs seem incredibly unprofessional when they post political stuff in the games patch notes (And it is BAD), now that they're getting exposed, they throw a hissy fit about negative reviews instead of owning up to anything, they don't really seem to care about their community or reputation. They also seem to be abandoning it due to negative feedback (though, in a much different way)
Upplagd 31 december 2019. Senast ändrad 7 augusti 2022.
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55.9 timmar totalt (37.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
COH II teaches you quite a lot about history that you might have not known before, such as how brutal the Russians were even to their own troops. Or about the battle of the bulge (stop laughing), quite simply, it teaches this in a much more fun manner than any high school ever will
Upplagd 2 juli 2019.
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94.8 timmar totalt (84.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
This game is adrenaline pumping when you first get into it, and continues to be so after i've been playing for a long time. The devs are always working to improve the game (They stream them working on it) and are quite friendly from what I can see. Yes the game has a little to want, but if you enjoy tense sparring matches with a robot 3 times your size, 9/10 would recommend
Upplagd 29 juni 2019.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2,102.2 timmar totalt (296.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Just typing this for the steam award thing, but its actually a pretty good game! takes time to learn though
Upplagd 23 november 2018.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1,422.7 timmar totalt (97.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Space Engineers combines creativity with problem solving, such as 'where do I put the thrusters, without making my ship look like someone hit it with a bat and caused thrusters to be sprayed everywhere" and "Whats a decent looking design for my ship?" or my favourite, "Crap im almost out of hydrogen, what am I supposed to do". All in all it can be laggy at times if you don't have the best computer, I find multiplayer works pretty seamlessly 70% of the time (Depending on the time, plus my definition of seamless seems to be a lot different from other people, who complain at the smallest hint of lag).

8/10 would recommend as long as you have a fairly decent computer
Upplagd 11 juli 2018. Senast ändrad 29 juni 2019.
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7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
20.3 timmar totalt (12.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Castle Story
Im going to break this down into different sections.


I quite enjoy the building as it is literally brick by brick. it also adds a planning element to the game and when you finally finish building that one wall, or even an entire castle, you get a sense of acomplisment. The only downside of building is that if you make a mistake, you may have to tear up the entire castle to get to that one peice. plus it takes so much time to build it up.


The Performance is relatively good in my opinion, though I usually get a major lag spike throughout one session. I'd say at the moment the game is good for most laptops. and I am aware Sauropod studios is always working on bugs and lag, as well as adding new things!


Theres lots of viariety when it comes to choosing how much of a challenge you want, you can choose easy, normal, hard, etc. but on sandbox you can choose when the attacks first start. another thing that affects the challenge is what map you're playing on, you could have 3 choke points to your home crystal, spliting up the attackers, as well as your own bricktrons. or you could have 1 single chokepoint that both the corruptrons and the bricktrons could focus on

Sauropod Studios

I saw this game back when it was first being worked on, and I thought "Ohhh, this looks cool!" but I ended up forgetting the name and forgetting all about it. then a couple of months ago, I rediscovered it on steam. I looked around a bit and found that the dev's had abandoned it, only to come back and start working on it. they are quite active nowaways, working on the game, and helping players in both the steam discussions, and their discord (I'd recommend joining the discord!) and they actually talk, listen, and reply to their players, which not many game companies do (+1 Social Relations)


Its a great game for a builder with a decent computer! (though it may change so that even if you have a crappy computer, you can still play)
Upplagd 17 januari 2018.
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