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Publisert: 12. juli 2021 kl. 21.25

I absolutely adored this game through & through, in its entirety... The lore, artwork, characters, atmosphere, events, development, every bit of it... I truly don't know how to compliment this game beyond what has been said, other than a wholehearted thank you to the developers, what a hell of an experience from start to finish in one sitting. In all honesty, it doesn't even feel like the game should be available for free, I would've been willing to pay money for it in an alternate dimension. Maybe through, if it was open there?
Oh well, rock on Enzo. This game seriously kicked ass, in the best way possible. Thanks again, Samu team.
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1 kommentarer
PepperedJackalope 12. juli 2021 kl. 21.36 
Oh right, can't forget about the soundtrack! Good stuff man!
Yeah, there are a couple negatives I could list about this game, within the range of constructive criticism & minor issues, but I'll leave it at that.