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投稿日: 2023年12月4日 12時05分
更新日: 2023年12月4日 12時07分

The idea of a platformer where you must control two characters to traverse across shadows is very neat. I don't recall any platformers that do anything similar. While I enjoy what this game does, however, I feel it is far too short at 20 minutes, especially given the two big issues I have with it which I've listed below.

Firstly, the game takes up around 5 GB total, which is surprising considering how simple and short this game is. I'm not sure what assets or resources are taking up this large amount of space but whatever it is, I feel this game could've been compressed easily into at most 1 GB.

Second, the current asking price of $5 is just a bit too much considering the total playtime in my opinion. If this game had more levels than what there is now, then I think it would be much more worth it.

Overall while I like the premise and the way it is presented, I can only really recommend you play this game when it goes on sale.
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