Gay Guy
Hi there, I am a raging homosexual. Everyday I wake up to my vibrating dildo I shoved in my ass the night before. I eat breakfast, ♥♥♥ on toast, then brush my teeth with my penis shaped toothbrush. After I'm ready to attack my day, I go to work at The Lumber Yard, a male-only strip club. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not one of the dancers, they said my calves weren't voluminous enough, so they hired me on as a janitor. I love using my tongue instead of the mop to clean up the delicious ♥♥♥ from the stripper poles and dance floor. After a long, strenuous, but joyful day at work I come home to guzzle gallons more semen before taking a gay-♥♥♥♥♥ multivitamin, then hit the hay to do it all again the next day.
✪Antoonz 8 ott 2017, ore 13:07 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hottie