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This game is difficult...

Now I understand that may sound a bit like a repellent for those who don't like difficult games, but this one is worth it.

The way this game is structured is actually pretty well thought by the developers, as the story isn't immediately shoved in your face and the game play is well balanced and fun. Those who say that this game is not too good because it's either to difficult or the RNG is horrendous, then they don't understand what the point of the game is. In the beginning of the game, it states that you are trying to make the best out of the worst situation. You're goal is to not only beat each run of the game, but to also tactically play around the RNG and best it rather than rely on it. There are some players who want to rely on RNG and do certain builds around it, and that is completely fine as well. Either way, Darkest Dungeon 2 is rather well made in my opinion.

I think the animations were well made as they made a transition from 2D to 3D. Not to mention the story is rather ambiguous that you slowly learn overtime as well, so that is very well appreciated. It definitely feels like an upgrade and gave more life to the characters and enemies alike. I don't know what else to say with the visual style of the game, so I'll leave it as that, it feels like an upgrade from the first game.

The game play, although feeling similar to the first game, certainly is different. Yes, there is the classic 4 spots vs 4 spots. That just means 4 heroes on the left side and then however many enemies on the right, whether it be 4 small sized enemies, to a medium sized enemy that takes up two spots, or even a boss that takes up all 4 spots. I wanna make it clear that although it all feels nice, there are some parts to it that I could say can get better with a tweak here and there. For instance, maybe something that can help with speeding up the combat a little bit could be nice, an option to speed it up or slow down, but that is more of a luxury tweak than something to fix the game. I understand that when you are in the void at the beginning of a run, there is some backstory that is explained to you as the cart slows down while the narrator speaks and it can make the run feel a bit slow to the start. For me, I personally don't mind it. I also see a lot of other people who don't mind it as well. As much as I don't want to say it, I only know those who complain about it feeling too slow to be impatient people really. I only know few people who are like that, and maybe I can be wrong about it, so if I am wrong with the idea of those few being impatient in general, then I apologize. Another thing I want to add to this game is how there are five runs in total. The fifth run being the most difficult. Each run actually adds on more stuff for you to face against, and I like that idea, since it won't feel so repetitive to play all those runs.

Now there might be others who wish to express their dislike towards the game because "It isn't as good as the first game" or "the rogue like isn't done properly," but those are more of a personal and opinion based thing, just like how my review, this very text box full of my writing, is just a big way of saying "in my opinion, this game is good." Yes, this game isn't perfect and there are some things that can be approved, but you must at least admire Red Hook for trying to take a step in a different direction. The best way to truly learn if you like it or not is to get the game and try it for yourself, as I seem to be in the majority of players who recommends the game and like it. Try it, and if you don't like it, then that is perfectly fine.

At the end of the day, we all just want a game that is enjoyable, and if you like a challenge, then I highly recommend this game.
Verfasst am 23. November 2023.
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